How to Pray: How to Be Still

October 20, 2024 ()

Bible Text: Psalm 46 + Other |


Ever feel like your mind just can’t stop racing? Or that you just can’t sit still for more than a few minutes? It’s one of the things that can make prayer so challenging. So, how can we learn to be still? To quiet our restless hearts and minds and to enter in to the rest of God? Gather with us as we explore how we can be still in God’s presence together.

Text: Psalm 46 + Other

Series Archive:

  • How To Pray

    There’s lots of “How To” manuals & videos out there: “How to lose weight fast”, “How to tie a tie”, “How to take a screenshot”, “How to draw a dog” and on and on we could go. The internet is filled with step-by-step instructions for just about everything. But what about things like ‘prayer’ and learning to hear God’s voice? Where do we go to learn to pray? As followers of Jesus (and for those of us who are exploring faith), if prayer and ‘communing with God’ is one of the most important things that we could ever learn to do, then how do we do it? And how can we continue to learn and to grow in prayer as we mature in our faith and get to know God better? The internet can only be so helpful with this one… we must learn by doing. So, this fall at The Gathering we are focusing on prayer, using Pete Greig’s excellent book, “How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People” as a resource. Why pray at all? What are we supposed to do or say when we pray? How can we be still and learn to hear God’s voice? What about unanswered prayer? These are just a few of the questions we will be working through during this series. More than that though, we will also be committing to praying together as a church and as individuals; learning by doing. So, this fall (from October 13 - December 15), gather with us on Sundays as we learn “How to Pray” and how to continue to grow in prayer together as a church family.
  • Connect & Grow

    Following Jesus is a team sport. It is impossible to become more like Christ on our own; we need one another to grow in our faith! So, how can we as a church family better support and encourage one another as we head into the fall together? What are some steps we can take to be more intentional to ‘connect’ with one another and ‘grow’ in our faith together? Where does ‘Home Church’ in to the mix? What about serving and volunteering? And what about ‘spiritual friendship’ and being the kind of friends that point one another to Jesus? This September, join us on Sunday mornings as we talk about how we can “Connect & Grow” together!
  • Romans: Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life

    Romans is a letter that has transformed many lives. From Paul’s original audience of first-century house churches in Rome to us today at The Gathering in 2024 - the truths contained in this letter are life-changing, giving us a deeper knowledge of the Gospel while also equipping us to apply the Gospel in our daily lives. That’s why, throughout the winter and spring of 2024, we’re journeying through the book of Romans together as a church family. As we look ahead to all that God has for us as a church family, we want ensure that we are being shaped & formed by the Gospel in all that we do; knowing it more deeply while applying it more intentionally. We want to be a people who are being transformed by the Gospel! Join us as we journey through Romans together throughout the winter & spring of 2024.
  • A Generous Life

    Generosity is not just about what we do with our money; it is a way of life… a beautiful way of life. Jesus told us that those who try to hold on to their lives will lose them while those who generously sacrifice their lives for his sake and for the sake of others will gain them. So then, what does it look like to live generous and sacrificial lives? And how can Jesus shape us into the kind of people whose lives reflect the beauty and generosity of God? This January, join us at The Gathering as we explore the theme of generosity and how we can become even more intentional in giving of our time, talents and treasures - for Jesus’ sake and for the sake of our hurting world. Jan 7 2024 - Generosity & Our TIME Jan 14 2024 - Generosity & Our TALENTS Jan 21 2024 - A Generous Life (w/Josh Wang) Jan 28 2024 - Generosity & Our TREASURES
  • Life Together

    A lot of people think of ‘church’ as being a one or two hour event every Sunday and that’s about it. But what does God think about when he thinks about the Church? What’s his vision for Church? And what might that mean for us at The Gathering? Join us this fall as we talk about what it means to be God’s people (the Church!) who share in “Life Together”.
  • God Has a Name

    Who is God? Is God a he, a she, a they, or an it? Is God a force or a person? Is God good or evil? Strong or weak? Close or far away? What is God like? The fact is that everyone has a picture of God, whether right or wrong. However, to answer the question of who God is, we have to go to the source. Join us this summer as we reflect on Exodus 34:6-7, which is God’s self-disclosure of Himself. These verses are some of the most quoted verses in the Bible, by the Bible, and reveals to us the true character of God as much as any other verses in the Bible. But what does all this matter to us today? Why should we care? (NOTE: This series is inspired by a book that John Mark Comer wrote about this passage called “God Has A Name”.) This July & August, Join us OUTSIDE on Sunday Mornings at 10:30 at St. FX High School in the Courtyard (3740 Spratt Road).
  • Follow

    As we launch in to the New Year, we want to take some time to look back on the year that was, AND look ahead to the year that is coming by considering these three basic goals as followers of Jesus: Being with Jesus (Sunday Jan 8 2023) Becoming like Jesus (Sunday Jan 15 2023) Doing what Jesus Said (Sunday Jan 22 2023) Join us this January as we talk about how we can be more intentional to “FOLLOW” Jesus in these ways in the year ahead.
  • God So Loved

    The Good News of Christmas is that in Christ, God came near to us and revealed His love for us. But how can we know God’s love for us more fully this Christmas? And how might God want to change us by His love as we follow Jesus together?
  • Sabbatical Reflections

    As you may know, our pastor (Jeff) has been on Sabbatical since the beginning of June and is now just returning. We’re excited to welcome him back and to hear a bit about what God has been teaching him during his time off! So, join us on Sunday September 25 and October 2 as Jeff shares some “Sabbatical Reflections” and invites us to consider what God has in store for us as we move forward together as a church. There will also be some opportunity for some Q&A as Jeff speaks. You will not want to miss these two Sundays!
  • I Am

    Join us this summer as Dan Chook Reid teaches on the "I AM" statements in the bible. I AM the Resurrection and the Life. I AM the Good Shepherd. I AM the True Vine. He IS and amazing God...lets dig into that together.
  • Easter 2022

    This Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we're taking a look at all that was done for us when Jesus gave His life for us on the cross. He is Risen...He is Risen INDEED!!
  • Sundays with Dan

    Our favourite church planter is named Dan Chook Reid, and he's on staff at The Gathering....NOT TO MENTION, he's the Lead Pastor of the newly formed Bytown Community Church! We are so thrilled to have Dan as part of our Gathering family, and we always love it when he comes by with a Sunday message.
  • First Things First

    For many of us, the New Year is a time for setting goals. Whether they be spiritual goals, fitness goals, relational goals, career goals, or goals of any other kind - no doubt, it’s important to be intentional about setting goals for our lives and for the year ahead. However, if we are not careful to look to Jesus and to choose what matters most FIRST (valuing the kinds of things that Jesus invited us to value), then our plans and our goals will not matter all that much. In the end they will fade away, having had little or no lasting and eternal significance. So, according to Jesus, what should matter most in life? And what specific things did He invite us to prioritize and to value above all else? What, according to Jesus, are we to choose before we choose anything else? Join us throughout the month of January as we talk about three critical choices that we must make before all other choices in life: three God-honouring decisions that are rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus and that promise to bring shape and blessing and eternal significance to our lives and all the other decisions we make and goals that we set. Let's pursue a “First Things First” kind of life together!
  • Advent

    The weeks leading up to Christmas are always busy. There are presents to be purchased, trees to be decorated, cards to be written, food to be prepared and parties to be planned. We put a lot of energy and effort into making sure that Christmas is a wonderful time for our family and friends. But what do we do to get ourselves ready for Christmas? How do we prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually to experience the wonder of God coming to be with us? If we aren’t internally prepared for Christmas, we can miss the moment and Christmas can become just another holiday on the calendar. Join us at The Gathering this Advent season as we prepare for Christmas together by focusing in on the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of Jesus!
  • Acts of the Apostles

    The Book of Acts tells an amazing story. It tells the story of how God began the movement known as The Church. And it tells the story of all the amazing things that God, by His Spirit, did through this movement as His people committed to following Jesus together and to reclaiming God’s vision for the world, even as they faced some extraordinary challenges together. For us, coming out of the pandemic (we hope!), there may be no better time than now to explore this story together as a church. What can we learn about ‘being the church’ through this amazing story together? And how might God long to recapture our imaginations and rekindle His vision for the church in us as we look at this story together as The Gathering? This fall, join us at The Gathering as we begin our journey through the book of Acts and look to receive fresh inspiration from God as we join Him in His mission today.
  • Better Together

    It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to be together as a church family each week. The disconnection and isolation has been hard. Some have found themselves feeling completely disconnected from the church as a result. Some have found themselves struggling spiritually. Some have even chosen not to return to church all-together. So what might it look like to rebuild community as we regather as a church? And why does being a part of a church matter in the first place? What might God’s vision for our community be as we enter in to this new season of life and ministry together? Join us this September as we talk about how we truly are #BetterTogether. Sunday September 12, 2022: “Created for Community” Sunday September 19, 2022: “Shaped by Community” Sunday September 26, 2022: “Gathered in Community”
  • Songs of the Summer

    A journey through Psalms as we discover the 'Songs of the Summer'. Sunday July 4 - Guest Speaker Dr. Steve Brown Sunday July 11 – A Song for the Waiting (Psalm 40) Sunday July 18 – A Song for the Discouraged (Psalm 73) Sunday July 25 – A Song for the Anxious (Psalm 56) Sunday Aug 1 – Guest Speaker Ed Willms Sunday Aug 8 – Guest Speaker Alex Suderman Sunday Aug 15 – Church Planter Dan Chook Reid Sunday Aug 22 – A Song for the Lonely (Psalm 142) Sunday Aug 29 – A Song for the Broken-hearted (Psalm 34) Sunday Sept 5 – Church Planter Dan Chook Reid
  • Ephesians: From Death to Life

    The book of Ephesians is a book that is loaded with truth as well as teaching about how we should live in response to that truth. Who are we in Christ, and how should this truth impact how we live? What is the church, and what does it mean to be a part of it? What did Jesus accomplish on the cross and the resurrection, and how should this impact the way that we interact with others? What does it mean to be led by the Spirit, and how should it impact our relationships? What about spiritual warfare? Join us this Spring at The Gathering as we talk about these questions and more by exploring the book of Ephesians and how we can move "from death to life” together as a community.
  • Good Friday

    Good Friday Service, 2021
  • Letting Go

    Lent (the 40 days leading up to Easter) is a season of spiritual preparation and reflection - a season of “Letting Go” and finding Jesus as we surrender more fully to Him. So, this lent, what might be some things that Jesus is inviting you to let go of? And what might He be calling you to “grab hold of” in its place? Join us every Sunday morning online throughout Lent as we explore some different issues that Jesus would want us to let go of as we surrender more fully to Him. - February 21, 2021 “Letting Go of Fear” - February 28, 2021 “Letting Go of (my need for) Success” - March 7, 2021 “Letting Go of Control” - March 14, 2021 “Letting Go of Bitterness” - March 21, 2021 “Letting Go of Greed” - March 28, 2021 “Letting Go of Shame” Join us online every Sunday at 10:30AM:
  • The Church Defined

    Covid has raised lots of questions about a lot of different things - Church included. Some have wondered, “Is the church an ‘essential service’ or not?” “What’s the purpose of the church anyway? Is it just about meeting on Sundays for worship, or is there more to it than that?” And “Is it even possible for the church to ‘be the church’ when its not even meeting in-person?” “How does the Bible define church?” Join us for four weeks in January and February as we explore questions about the church and how the Bible defines church: A People Called By God (January 24th) A Covenant Community (January 31st) A Spirit Empowered Community (February 7th) A Community of Witness (February 14th) Join us online every Sunday at 10:30AM:
  • Reset

    A new year brings an opportunity to hit the reset button; to make new plans, to set new goals, and to dream about the year ahead. As we look ahead to 2021, what are some spiritual goals and plans that we can set in our relationship with Jesus? As followers of Jesus, what might be some values and practices that God would be inviting us to consider? This year, orient your entire life around three basic goals: Being with Jesus (Sunday Jan 3) Becoming like Jesus (Sunday Jan 10) Doing what Jesus Said (Sunday Jan 17) Join us online every Sunday at 10:30AM for the first three weeks of January for this fresh start to a new year - a chance to hit 'reset' in our relationships with God. Watch every Sunday at 10:30AM:
  • The Gifts of Advent

    There’s no doubt that this years Christmas is going to look very different than in years past. With COVID-19 restrictions still in place, many of us will not be able to celebrate the way we would like to. However, that doesn’t mean that it can’t still be meaningful and that God doesn’t want to give us some good and beautiful things during this Advent season. So, as we prepare our hearts for Christmas this Advent, what gifts might God have for us?
  • United

    We are living in one of the most divisive times in human history, ever. Political tensions seem to be at an all-time high. Racial tensions are through the roof. Theological debates amongst Christians are raging. And then there’s COVID-19 and everyone’s opinions about it; opinions about masks, vaccines, government restrictions, and conspiracy theories just to name a few. Sadly, there is no shortage of things for us to divide over these days. So how are followers of Jesus to live in this time of division and polarization? How are we to interact with people who are different from us or with whom we disagree, both inside and outside the Church? And how does the good news of Jesus lead us to become unity builders instead of division makers? Join us this fall as we try and find answers to these important questions.
  • Summer 2020

    This summer, we're sharing our favourite Psalms. Special Guest Speakers this summer include Philip and Robyn Serez from Multiply, and Ed Willms, the Executive Director of the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. The Gathering's own Lead Pastor, Jeff, shares from Psalm 139, and our own Dan Chook Reid shares from Psalm 1. Join us online for a Summer of Psalms!
  • How To Unhurry

    A continuation of our "Slowing Down" series, "How to Unhurry" is a series that will take use though four practices for slowing down. Before COVID, most of us probably would have said that we were busy. Too busy. But COVID changed this for many of us. It forced us to slow down and to press pause on our busy lifestyles. It’s also given us an opportunity – an opportunity to reimagine what God might want our lives to look like on the other side of COVID. As we look to the future, we'll work through four practices together: Silence and Solitude, Sabbath, Simplicity, and Slowing. How might our lives be different as we commit to following and putting these practices in place? Join us every Sunday @10:30AM throughout the month of July as we continue to reimagine what our lives could look like as we slow down and embrace unhurried lives on the other side of COVID.
  • Slowing Down

    Before COVID, most of us probably would have said that we were busy. Too busy. Our calendars were too full, our kids were out several nights a week, we were overwhelmed and stressed at work, we were (are?) glued to our devices all day long, and we had very little time for ourselves (never mind God). But COVID changed this for many of us. It forced us to slow down and to press pause on our busy lifestyles. It’s also given us an opportunity - an opportunity to slow down and to reimagine what God might want our lives to look like on the other side of COVID. So, as we look to the future, how might our lives be different as we commit to following Jesus by ruthlessly eliminating hurry from our life? What attitudes, perspectives and practices might Jesus be inviting us to embrace in order to protect ourselves from ‘hurry’ in the future? Join us every Sunday @10:30AM throughout the month of June as we reimagine what our lives could look like as we slow down and embrace unhurried lives on the other side of COVID.
  • Easter 2020

    Good Friday and Easter Sunday at The Gathering Online
  • Looking for Light

    Let’s be honest: Life is hard right now. Between social distancing, self-isolation, the spread of the virus, the collapse of the economy, the closure of all non-essential services… there’s a lot of darkness in our lives and in our world right now. At times, it can feel hopeless and like the darkness is going to win. And yet, even in the darkness, there is still light. And that light’s name is JESUS. In John 8:12, Jesus said that “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” And so as we feel the darkness closing in on us in these days, we must look to the Light to find a way forward together. But what does that look like? Practically speaking, how can we look for light in the midst of this darkness? As followers of Jesus (who is the LIGHT!); what attitudes, behaviours and practices should we embrace in this season of difficulty and uncertainty? During this time of social-distancing and self-isolation, join us online each and every Sunday at 10:30AM as we learn to see in the dark together.
  • The Lord's Prayer

    Without a doubt, “The Lord’s Prayer” is the most famous prayer ever prayed. Many churches pray it together in their services each week as part of their liturgy. People often recite it at funerals and at significant moments in their lives. Just a couple decades ago, it was recited in schools across Canada every morning. It is a very familiar prayer to religious and non-religious people alike. But what is the point of this prayer? And why does it matter so much? How could praying it, as Jesus instructed us to, shape the way we live our lives and grow our connection to Christ as we aim to follow Him each and every day? Join us at The Gathering this January - March as we explore this epic prayer together!
  • Advent Conspiracy

    Advent is the story of a wondrous moment when God entered our world to make things right. It is the greatest story ever told and it changes everything—including the way we celebrate Christmas. This December, join us at The Gathering Ottawa on Sundays as we conspire to celebrate Christmas in a counter-cultural way; by worshiping fully, spending less, giving more, and loving all. BONUS! Find additional resources (reading list + devotional) at (pls copy & paste URL) to help you connect with God this Advent Season.
  • The Good and Beautiful Life

    Everybody wants to be happy, but many don’t know what happiness truly is. In Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount (in Matthew 5-7), Jesus talked about what it looks like to live a happy and blessed life - a “Good and Beautiful Life” where we are transformed from the inside-out and take on the character of Christ. The question is how? How can we be happy? How can we be transformed? What are some key behaviours and practices that we need to engage in in order to become like Christ? Join us this fall at The Gathering every Sunday morning and in our Home Churches (small groups) mid-week as we talk through the Sermon on the Mount and how we can experience “The Good and Beautiful Life” together.
  • Campfire Stories Summer 2019 Series

    Everybody loves a good story. It’s why we watch movies, read books, and sit around campfires in the summer with our kids telling stories. And it’s a big reason why the Bible (especially the Old Testament) is so interesting – because it’s filled with great stories. Stories of eternal significance. Stories that have the power to change us. Stories that point us to Jesus. This summer, join us as we look at a different Old Testament Bible story each week and consider how these stories point us to Jesus.
  • Follow Me

    “Follow Me!” Jesus said these words to 12 men over 2,000 years ago… and they ended up changing the world. Today, we are given the same invitation: “Follow Me!” It’s an invitation to a life worth living. But what does it actually look like to follow Jesus in today’s world? What attitudes, practices, and behaviours are to mark a follower of Jesus’ life? What are the implications of these things for us as a church community? Join us on Sundays throughout the month of June to find out!
  • Address the Mess

    Whether we’re religious or not, we've all made some messes along the way. We've all thought, "My life is a mess." So, let's talk about it. Throughout this series, we’ll cover: April 28th: "The Mess in the Mirror" Whether we’re religious or not, we’ve all been in, are in, or are only one decision away from a mess. But there’s a powerful connection between your messes and your relationship with God. May 5th: "The Best Mess Ever" I know a mess when I see one because I am a mess. When we acknowledge our messes, we're a baby step away from acknowledging God. Your mess has the potential to bring God near you. May 12th: "Inside Out” A common misperception is that the Christian life is all about avoiding messes and staying out of trouble. But following Jesus isn’t about avoiding something; it’s about becoming something. May 19th: "Move Towards the Mess" Jesus told us to love our neighbours as ourselves. But that’s easier said than done. What are the limits of our responsibilities to others? The answer may surprise you. May 26th: "Messy-er" When you have a mess to address, first options aren’t usually the best options. First options often make messes messier.
  • Prove It

    A Christian’s life should be living proof of their connection to Jesus. Essentially, our sacrificial love for others is a testament of our sacrificial love for God. In his first epistle—which forms the basis for this series—the apostle John walks through several aspects of the Christian life, revealing where the evidence lies for each. Do you know God? You can prove it because the evidence is in your obedience. Do you truly love your neighbour? You can prove it because the evidence is in your sacrifice. We don’t earn God’s forgiveness with our good deeds, but a transformed life should look just like that—transformed. You can say it with your mouth, but the evidence is in your actions.
  • God Loves A Cheerful Giver

    Jesus once said that “it’s better to give than to receive” however our culture seems to teach that “it’s better to receive than to give.” Two very different approaches to generosity and giving, and two very different beliefs about how we are to use our resources and material possessions. So how can we become people who live by the words of Jesus, as opposed to the teaching of our culture? What does it look like to be a cheerful giver? Join us February 3rd to find out.
  • Conflict Zones

    It’s been said that “Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.” We cannot avoid conflict in life, but the way we respond is up to us. This series is all about learning to respond as Jesus taught us to respond - as peacemakers, people who work to find peace and reconciliation in the midst of conflict. But the question How can we become people of peace in the midst of the conflict in life? What does it look like to be a peacemaker and to deal with conflict in a a way that honours Jesus? What are some practices we need to engage in and decisions we need to make in order to become the kind of peacemakers Jesus is inviting us to become? Join us every Sunday morning in January to find out! January 6: “Dealing with the Conflict Within" January 13: “Dealing with Interpersonal Conflict” January 20: “Knowing the Enemy” January 27: “Becoming a Peacemaker”
  • Christmas Preparations

    The weeks leading up to Christmas are always busy with preparations. There are presents to be purchased, trees to be decorated, cards to be written, food to be prepared and parties to be planned. We put a lot of energy and effort into making sure that Christmas is a wonderful time for our family and friends. But what do we do to get ourselves ready for Christmas? How do we prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually to experience the wonder of God coming to be with us? If we aren’t internally prepared for Christmas, we can miss the moment and Christmas can become just another holiday on the calendar. Join us through this advent season as we prepare for Christmas together.
  • The Birds The Bees & The Bible

    What does the bible have to say about human sexuality? We're taking a revealing look at sex and scripture. Here is a glimpse into the topics we will be discussing throughout this series: November 4: “The Bible & Sex” November 11: “The Bible & Pornography” November 18: “The Bible & Homosexuality” November 25: “Q&A” * Note: This series is rated “PG-13” due to the sensitive nature of the topic.
  • Life Hacks: Tips for Spiritual Growth

    Everybody loves discovering new ways to simplify life and to become more productive (i.e “Life Hacks”). But what about in our spiritual lives? What are some “Life Hacks” that can help us to grow spiritually and to learn more about about God and His desire for our lives? Join us this September and October at The Gathering Ottawa for an 8-week sermon series called “Life Hacks” where we will be working through the Book of James together - a book full of spiritual wisdom and Life Hacks that will help you grow spiritually. Join us this fall at The Gathering - and bring a friend! Here's a glimpse into the topics we will be discussing throughout this series: Sept 9: "Dealing With Difficulties" (James 1:2-8, 12-18) Sept 16: "Doing What You're Told" (James 1:22-27, 2:14-26) Sept 23: "Avoiding Favouritism" (James 2:1-12) Sept 30: "Controlling the Tongue" (James 3:3-12) Oct 7 (Thanksgiving): "Living Wisely" (James 3:13-17) Oct 14: "Humbling Yourself" (James 4) Oct 21: "Giving Generously" (James 5:1-6, 1:9-11) Oct 28: "Praying with Power" (James 5:13-18)
  • GO!

    Jesus gave one simple piece of instruction to the church as they were about to get started: GO. “Go and make disciples of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19) Or, in other words, to go and introduce people to a God who loves them and then to teach them how to be followers of Jesus. According to Jesus, this is to be the mission of the church: Evangelism and Discipleship, living as missionaries in our world. But how many of us actually live this out? And what does it look like to “GO” while we ‘stay’, living as missionaries in today’s world? Join us this summer as we unpack how we can join God in His great redemptive story and find our place in His mission.
  • Scarred

    What do we do when life hurts? How are we to cope when faced with pain and suffering? What do we need to do to find God in our scars? If you've ever asked these kinds of questions then this series is for you. Join us at The Gathering Ottawa this April and May as we talk about these very important issues: 1. Finding God in the Pain: Where's God When It Hurts? 2. Finding God in the Face of Crisis & Disappointment 3. Finding God in the Face of Death & Grief 4. Finding God in Our Wounds & Our Past, Part 1 5. Finding God in Our Wounds & Our Past, Part 2 6. Finding God in the Face of Mental Illness, Part 1 7. Finding God in the Face of Mental Illness, Part 2 8. Finding God When the Hurt Just Won't Go Away
  • Easter

  • Empowered

    We can’t live the Christian life in our own strength. We need to live Spirit-filled lives. We need to be EMPOWERED. Join us throughout January and February as we talk about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how the Holy Spirit longs to empower us to live lives of purpose and meaning.
  • The Light of Christmas

    Christmas is all about how how Jesus Christ - the light of Christmas - entered into the darkness of our world and shone his bright light into it. A light so bright that our very hearts and lives could be changed and set free from the darkness forever. This Christmas, why not shine a little light into your hearts. Join us on Sundays throughout the month of December as we talk about how “The Light of Christmas” can shine brightly in us this Christmas.
  • Messy Grace

    If there is one thing that makes Christianity different from all the other religions in the world, it’s GRACE. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!
  • Journey to the Cross

    A journey through the last 6 chapters of the Gospel of Mark.
  • Celebrate!

    Celebrating all the great things God has done at The Gathering this year!
  • The Gathering DNA

    A look at who we are and what makes us tick.
  • A Year of Generosity

    What could 2017 look like if we actually embraced the Gospel and lived generously? What might God do in and through us a church community? Join us for a conversation about generosity, giving and grace.
  • The Story of Hope (Christmas Series)

    If the story of Christmas is about one thing it’s this: HOPE. Hope for our present, hope for our future, and hope for forgiveness from our past. And yet for many people, the Christmas Season doesn’t feel very hope-filled at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. So how can we find “hope” this Christmas? Join us this December as we discover how the Story of Jesus is THE Story of Hope that we are all longing for in this life. Sunday Dec 4 - The Story of Zechariah & Elizabeth (Baptism Service) Sunday Dec 11 - The Story of Mary & Joseph (Communion Service) Sunday Dec 18 - The Story of the Stinky Shepherds (Family Christmas Service) Saturday Dec 24 @ 6PM - The Story of Hope (Christmas Eve Candlelight Service)
  • Breathing Room

    "Creating Space for God in the Midst of the Crazy." Join us from September 11, September 18 and September 25 2016 as we talk about what it looks like to experience God amidst the craziness and the busyness of life and routine. What attitudes, behaviours, and perspectives do we need to adopt in order to avoid getting sucked into the hurriedness of life and to ensure that we are creating space for God? Sunday Sept 11 - "Eliminating Hurry" Sunday Sept 18 - "Being Fully Present" Sunday Sept 25 - "Finding Rest"
  • Connected

    You were created for connection! Meaningful, honest connection and spiritual friendship. And yet, for many of us, we feel so lonely, isolated & disconnected instead. Why is that? If God created us for connection, why is this sense of connection so hard to actually experience in life? How does the Gospel make it possible for us to experience this kind of connection with one another?
  • Jesus 101

    A Journey through the Gospel of Mark.
  • Deeply Rooted

    We want to be a church whose “roots grow down deep into Christ”. A people whose “lives are built on him” and whose faith is maturing and growing strong in Christ (Colossians 2:6-7). But what does it actually look like to have a mature faith? To be “deeply rooted” in Christ? And why is this so important? Join us as we launch into 2016 by exploring what it is to be a “deeply rooted” people.
  • A Thrill of Hope

    Christmas = Hope. Hope for our world. Hope for our families. Hope for humanity. Hope in all things! Join us this Christmas season as we look at the HOPE that Christ brings to all of life.
  • United: Messages from Philippians

    Messages from Philippians. What does it like to be the mature in the faith? How can we know if we are actually growing together and becoming more unified as a church family? Join us as we talk through the book of Philippians together and consider what it means to be "United" in Christ!
  • Why Church?

    Church - Why bother? It's a good question and a question that deserves a good answer. Because the reality is that a lot of people today feel like Church is a waste of time and that they don't need the Church in order to be a good or even a spiritual & religious person. So then why bother with church at all? Why would anyone want be a part of it? Join us this September as we wrestle with the question "Why Church?" together.
  • The Big Picture

    Church… It’s easy to forget the point of it all. To lose sight of God’s perspective and plan for His Church. To fail to see “The Big Picture”. So, what is the Church really? What is Jesus’ dream for His Church? How would my perspective on Church change if I were to see Church from God’s perspective? Join us on Sunday’s all throughout the month of January as we look at Church from God’s perspective… “The Big Picture!”
  • All In

    If Jesus isn’t Lord of all then He isn’t Lord at all. What happens when we put it all on the line and go all in? It's time stop holding back.
  • Answering the Call

    What does it mean to be "called by God?" How can we figure out our calling? How can I even know if I am called?
  • Summer Celebration

    Join us as we kick off the summer break with an extended time of worship and celebration!
  • Campfire Stories

    Everybody loves a good story. It’s why we watch movies, read books, and sit around campfires in the summer with our kids telling stories. And it’s a big reason why the Bible is so interesting – because it’s filled with great stories. Stories of eternal significance. Stories that have the power to change us. Stories that reveal to us what God is really like. This summer, join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30AM as we explore a different Bible story each week and consider how God might want to speak to us and shape our stories through them. "Campfire Stories" of a different kind! And plan on sticking around following the service each week for a free BBQ!
  • Hope Lives

    Exploring God's heart for the poor and what the Church's response should be.

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Ever feel like your mind just can’t stop racing? Or that you just can’t sit still for more than a few minutes? It’s one of the things that can make…
There’s lots of “How To” manuals & videos out there: “How to lose weight fast”, “How to tie a tie”, “How to take a screenshot”, “How to draw a dog”…

Doubt (Genesis 3:1-7)

October 6, 2024
Pastor Dan preaches from Genesis 3:1-7 on the topic of faith and doubt. How we can trust is God when we are tempted to doubt his goodness?