The Big Picture

Church… It’s easy to forget the point of it all. To lose sight of God’s perspective and plan for His Church. To fail to see “The Big Picture”. So, what is the Church really? What is Jesus’ dream for His Church? How would my perspective on Church change if I were to see Church from God’s perspective? Join us on Sunday’s all throughout the month of January as we look at Church from God’s perspective… “The Big Picture!”

The Silver Bullet

“Five steps to a perfect life.” “Seven keys to unlocking your full potential.” “Three secrets getting what you want in life.” What if life was really just as easy as that? Just taking those five simple steps? The reality is that life is full of hard work and there are no guarantees of any success at all. And yet, when it comes to our spiritual lives and to the call of God on His Church, what if there is a guarantee? What if there is a way to be sure that we can be successful as the Church?

God’s Plan A

"The Local Church is the hope of the world!" It is God’s Plan A... and there is no Plan B. But what does that actually mean? For the Church? And our world? Join us as we explore the grand narrative of God's redemptive work in the world through His church.

The Bullseye

What is the church, really? And what is it supposed to do? Join us as we discuss “the bulls eye” of the mission that Christ has entrusted to His church.

*Sorry for the lack of footage this week!

It Takes a Village

So whose responsibility is it to disciple a child? The church, or the family? What if it's not an either/or type of question? Join us as we discuss God's plan to grow our kids through the partnership of church and family.