A Generous Life

Generosity is not just about what we do with our money; it is a way of life… a beautiful way of life.

Jesus told us that those who try to hold on to their lives will lose them while those who generously sacrifice their lives for his sake and for the sake of others will gain them. So then, what does it look like to live generous and sacrificial lives? And how can Jesus shape us into the kind of people whose lives reflect the beauty and generosity of God?

This January, join us at The Gathering as we explore the theme of generosity and how we can become even more intentional in giving of our time, talents and treasures – for Jesus’ sake and for the sake of our hurting world.

Jan 7 2024 – Generosity & Our TIME
Jan 14 2024 – Generosity & Our TALENTS
Jan 21 2024 – A Generous Life (w/Josh Wang)
Jan 28 2024 – Generosity & Our TREASURES

A Generous Life: Being Generous with Our Time

Generosity is not just about what we do with our money; it is a way of life… a beautiful way of life. 

Jesus told us that those who try to hold on to their lives will lose them while those who generously sacrifice their lives for his sake and for the sake of others will gain them. So then, what does it look like to live generous and sacrificial lives? And how can Jesus shape us into the kind of people whose lives reflect the beauty and generosity of God? 

This January, join us at The Gathering as we explore the theme of generosity and how we can become even more intentional in giving of our time, talents and treasures - for Jesus’ sake and for the sake of our hurting world. 

For many of us, our most valuable resource is not our money or something we own - it’s our time. And at times, it feels as though we don’t have enough of it. So how can we live generously with our time, especially when life feels so busy? And what priorities might Jesus invite us to have as we consider how we spend our time?

A Generous Life: Being Generous with Our Talents

God has given each of us a set of unique gifts and talents. And they are not just for our sake - they are for the sake of others. So how can we be intentional to live generously with our talents, especially when we aren’t so sure of what our talents are or where they fit? How might understanding how God has wired & gifted us empower us to live a more generous life?

A Generous Life: Imitating Christ’s Humility

How does Jesus’ choice to empty himself challenge every lesson of self-promotion we've unconsciously absorbed? In Philippians 2:1-11, we encounter the ultimate example of humility in Jesus who shows us that true strength is showcased in surrender and that true glory is expressed in servanthood.

A Generous Life: Being Generous with Our Treasures

Jesus had a lot to say about money. In fact, 1 out of every 7 verses of Jesus’ words are money in some way. It’s an unavoidable reality: Living a generous life includes financial generosity. We cannot simultaneously hoard our treasure and experience the kind of life that Jesus died to give us. So, how can we be intentional to live generously with our financial treasure, especially when it feels like we don’t have enough? And how might better understanding the gospel of Jesus lead us to live more financially generous lives?