What is Our ‘Anchor Cause’?

As a church community that is committed to “Connecting People to the Love of Jesus” (Matt 28:18-20, 2 Cor 5:18-21), we believe that meeting the practical needs of the hurting, the vulnerable & the needy is a significant part of the mission and message of Jesus (Luke 4:18-19).

Our ‘Anchor Cause’ – which is one tangible issue/need in our community that we can rally around together in the love & compassion of Jesus – is the main way that we strive to do this as a church.

So what is that one tangible issue/need we’ve become aware of in our neighbourhood? FOOD INSECURITY.

Many people in Riverside South are struggling to put food on the table…

  • StatsCan shows us that there are over 600 households in neighbourhood living at or below the poverty line (as of 2021).
  • The Pavilion Food Bank in South Keys, which serves our catchment area (and is locate 13KM from Riverside South), has told us that they cannot keep up with the demand from our area. The Care Centre Ottawa, which is the largest Emergency Food Bank on Ottawa, has also said that they serve many people from our neighbourhood.

While it’s surprising given the affluence in our neighbourhood, it’s become clear to us that there is a significant need for a food bank in Riverside South.

The Community Table

After a lengthy process of prayer, discernment, learning & listening –  we launched a food bank called  “The Community Table”, which serves the residents of Riverside South who are experiencing food insecurity and are in need of help.We are grateful to Brierley’s Your Independent for being so generous in gifting us space as we get started!

Get Involved!

The Community Table is 100% volunteer run and donor funded. While The Gathering is coordinating the project as a ministry of the church, anyone from the community is welcome to get involved.

E-Transfer info@thegatheringottawa.com (make a note that your gift is for The Community Table”) or give via Canada Helps. We would also welcome food donations. There is a donation bin located in “Brierley’s Your Independent”.

Help is needed in sorting food, stacking cans, picking up food from vendors, and in serving our guests. To get involved, email thecommunitytable.rss@gmail.com and someone will get back to you

Need Help?
If you or someone you know who lives in Riverside South is experiencing food insecurity, email thecommunitytable.rss@gmail.com to set an appointment with The Community Table. We’d love to help you.

The Community Table – Mission, Vision & Values
(In alignment with The Gathering’s Mission & Vision statements.)

Mission (Why do we exist?)
Our mission is to connect neighbours in need to the love of Jesus by providing opportunities for relational connection and receiving essential grocery items. (Matt. 25:37-40, Matt.28:18-20)

Vision (What do we want to see happen?)
We envision a community where food insecurity is being addressed with compassion, and our neighbours in need are cared for in the love of Christ. (Lk 14:12-14, Jas. 1:27)

Values (What are our core/guiding principles?)
1. Christ-Centered Compassion: We believe in the life-changing message of Jesus and are motivated by his example to extend compassion to those in need (Matt. 9:36, Matt. 25:37-40). Our actions are guided by love for God and love for our neighbour (Matt. 22:37-40), serving all who come to The Community Table, regardless of background, beliefs or circumstances (Lk. 10:30-37).
2. Dignity and Respect: We believe that everyone is created in the image of God and is worthy of dignity and respect (Gen. 1:27). Therefore, we will uphold the inherent worth and value of every individual, extending the same grace that God in Christ Jesus has extended to us (Matt. 7:12, Matt. 10:8). We desire to care for the whole person (mind, body and soul), honouring each individual’s humanity and uniqueness (Col. 1:28, Rom. 12:10).

Check out this short video from Pastor Jeff to learn more about how YOU can be involved!