Romans: Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life

Romans is a letter that has transformed many lives. From Paul’s original audience of first-century house churches in Rome to us today at The Gathering in 2024 – the truths contained in this letter are life-changing, giving us a deeper knowledge of the Gospel while also equipping us to apply the Gospel in our daily lives.

That’s why, throughout the winter and spring of 2024, we’re journeying through the book of Romans together as a church family. As we look ahead to all that God has for us as a church family, we want ensure that we are being shaped & formed by the Gospel in all that we do; knowing it more deeply while applying it more intentionally. We want to be a people who are being transformed by the Gospel!

Join us as we journey through Romans together throughout the winter & spring of 2024.

Romans: Being a Good Citizen in a Secular Society

Romans 13 is all about how we are to live as good & godly citizens in a secular society, particularly as it relates to the government and those in positions of power over us in society. How are we as followers of Jesus to think about our relationship with the state and with governing authorities? What about when we disagree with the governing authorities or when they even impose 'evil' laws upon us? What then? Paul talks us through it in Romans 13...

Romans: Knowing and Applying the Gospel in Life: Loving Servants

Romans 12-16 is all about how we are to live in light of all that God has done for us in Christ (i.e "The Gospel", as Paul explained it in Romans 1-11). And in Romans 12:3-21, Paul hones in our relationships with one another. How should the Gospel shape our relationships in the church? And how should it impact the way we deal with conflict and with people who make life difficult for us? How is the good news of Jesus good news for our relationships? That's the question in this week's passage...

Text: Romans 12:3-21

Romans: Knowing and Applying the Gospel in Life: Living Sacrifices

Having marveled at the gospel and God’s sovereign power in the first eleven chapters of Romans, Paul now begins to consider the difference this makes in our lives and in the way we treat one another. So, how can we live full on for God? And how does the Gospel change the way we live?

Romans: Knowing and Applying the Gospel in Life: Nothing Can Separate…

Romans 8 ends with these incredible words of assurance from the Apostle Paul: “…nothing can ever separate us from God’s love…” And yet sometimes we still can feel separated from God’s love. So what do these words mean? And how can they change the way we live our lives and relate to God today?

Romans: Knowing and Applying the Gospel in Life: All Things

It’s one of the most quoted verses in the entire Bible: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28) But what does it actually mean? And how does the truth of this verse play out in the brokenness and pain of life?

Text: Romans 8:18-21, 28-30

Romans: Knowing and Applying the Gospel in Life: Life In the Spirit (PT 3)

Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we (who are in Christ) have been forgiven for all of our sin. But it doesn't stop there. Not only have we been forgiven, but we've also been given the Holy Spirit. But what does that mean? And what does it look like to experience "Life in the Spirit?"

This week, we are exploring the Apostle Paul's teaching in Romans 8 about how the Holy Spirit prays for us with 'groanings that cannot be expressed with words' (V26-27). What in the world is that all about?!

Text: Romans 8:22-27

ROMANS: Knowing and Applying the Gospel in Life: Life In the Spirit (PT 2)

Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we (who are in Christ) have been forgiven for all of our sin. But it doesn't stop there. Not only have we been forgiven, but we've also been empowered by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus by the Spirit's power. But what does that mean? And what does it look like to experience "Life in the Spirit?" This week, we are exploring the Apostle Paul's teaching in Romans 8 about the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit affirms us as sons and daughters of God.

Romans, Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life: Life in the Spirit, PT 1

Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we (who are in Christ) have been forgiven for all of our sin. But it doesn't stop there. Not only have we been forgiven, but we've also been empowered by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus by the Spirit's power. But what does that mean? And what does it look like to experience "Life in the Spirit?" This week, we are exploring the Apostle Paul's teaching in Romans 8 about the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit empowers & equips us for life with Him.