God Has a Name

Who is God? Is God a he, a she, a they, or an it? Is God a force or a person? Is God good or evil? Strong or weak? Close or far away? What is God like? The fact is that everyone has a picture of God, whether right or wrong. However, to answer the question of who God is, we have to go to the source.
Join us this summer as we reflect on Exodus 34:6-7, which is God’s self-disclosure of Himself. These verses are some of the most quoted verses in the Bible, by the Bible, and reveals to us the true character of God as much as any other verses in the Bible. But what does all this matter to us today? Why should we care?

(NOTE: This series is inspired by a book that John Mark Comer wrote about this passage called “God Has A Name”.)

This July & August, Join us OUTSIDE on Sunday Mornings at 10:30 at St. FX High School in the Courtyard (3740 Spratt Road).

God Has a Name: Yahweh

Who is God? Is God a he, a she, a they, or an it? Is God a force or a person? Is God good or evil? Strong or weak? Close or far away? What is God like? The fact is that everyone has a picture of God, whether right or wrong. However, to answer the question of who God is, we have to go to the source.

Join us this summer as we reflect on Exodus 34:6-7, which is God’s self-disclosure of Himself. These verses are some of the most quoted verses in the Bible, by the Bible, and reveals to us the true character of God as much as any other verses in the Bible. But what does all this matter to us today? Why should we care?

(NOTE: This series is inspired by a book that John Mark Comer wrote about this passage called “God Has A Name”.)

God Has a Name: Compassionate & Merciful

Many people assume that God is harsh and judgmental, but this is not how God describes himself. What does God being “compassionate & gracious” mean? And why should we care?

God Has a Name: Slow to Anger

A lot of people think that God is quick tempered and eager to unleash his anger on people, but God described himself as “Slow to Anger”. What does it mean for God to be slow to anger, and how should we respond?

God Has a Name: But I Do Not Excuse the Guilty

Many people think of God as being eager to punish them for their sin. This is not true! And yet, in Exodus 34:7, God is clear that He “does not leave the guilty unpunished... laying the sins of the parents on the children... to the third and fourth generation.” So what on earth does that mean?! Is God really going to punish our kids for our sin? Is this to be believed? And how can God still be good and beautiful if this is true?