Campfire Stories

Everybody loves a good story. It’s why we watch movies, read books, and sit around campfires in the summer with our kids telling stories. And it’s a big reason why the Bible is so interesting – because it’s filled with great stories. Stories of eternal significance. Stories that have the power to change us. Stories that reveal to us what God is really like.

This summer, join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30AM as we explore a different Bible story each week and consider how God might want to speak to us and shape our stories through them. “Campfire Stories” of a different kind!

And plan on sticking around following the service each week for a free BBQ!

The Story of the Two Sons

Jeff Jantzi teaches on Jesus' parable of The Two Sons in the first week of our summer sermon series, "Campfire Stories."

Peter’s Story

Doug Sprunt from One Way Ministries continues our Campfire Stories Series by telling the story of Peter, one Jesus' followers.

Moses’ Story

Watch as Pastor Darren Milley from the Community Church of Manotick tells us the Old Testament story of Moses.

Leah’s Story

Watch as Jeff Jantzi tells the Old Testament story of Leah, Jacob and Rachel and how "love" really isn't all you need.

(*note: the first 7-8 minutes of Jeff's message are missing from the video this week. Sorry!)

The Wedding Party

This past Sunday Jeff Jantzi told the story of the Wedding Party and of when Jesus turned water into wine.

Gideon’s Story

Watch as Jeff Scott, church planter with C2C and The Met, shares the Old Testament story of Gideon.

John Mark’s Story

Ed Willms, Executive Director of the Ontario Conference of MB Churches, shares the story of the New Testament character John Mark.

Jesus Feeds the 5000

If you weren't able to join us for Church at the Park, you sure missed out! Hopefully you can join us next time.

Because the service was outdoors, we weren't able to capture video or audio of this weeks message. Sorry about that!

The Parable of the Talents

This Sunday Lead Pastor Jeff Jantzi taught from the story of the talents in Matthew 25 and looked at how Jesus defined success.

Jesus, Lazarus & Friends

This week, Guest Speaker Philip Serez from MB Mission will be concluding our "Campfire Stories" series by looking at the story of Lazarus in John 11.