How can we live differently during difficult times? Join Dr Steve Brown, president of Arrow Leadership, as he shares some reflections on this from the book of Philippians.

Songs of the Summer
A journey through Psalms as we discover the ‘Songs of the Summer’.
Sunday July 4 – Guest Speaker Dr. Steve Brown
Sunday July 11 – A Song for the Waiting (Psalm 40)
Sunday July 18 – A Song for the Discouraged (Psalm 73)
Sunday July 25 – A Song for the Anxious (Psalm 56)
Sunday Aug 1 – Guest Speaker Ed Willms
Sunday Aug 8 – Guest Speaker Alex Suderman
Sunday Aug 15 – Church Planter Dan Chook Reid
Sunday Aug 22 – A Song for the Lonely (Psalm 142)
Sunday Aug 29 – A Song for the Broken-hearted (Psalm 34)
Sunday Sept 5 – Church Planter Dan Chook Reid
Songs of the Summer: A Song for the Waiting
Waiting is a part of life. But what does it mean to “wait patiently for the Lord”?
Songs of the Summer: A Song for the Discouraged
We all have times where we feel discouraged and want to give up. But what if discouragement could be an opportunity to experience God?
Songs of the Summer: A Song for the Anxious
Fear and anxiety is a reality of life, for some more than others. So what does it mean to turn to God with our anxieties?
Songs of the Summer: Reimagining Church
Guest Speaker Ed Willms, Executive Director of the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches brings a message from Acts 2:42-47, "Reimagining Church"
Songs of the Summer: Called to be Blessed and to Bless
Guest Speaker Alex Suderman, a church planter in Germany, brings a message on calling.
Songs of the Summer: A Song for the Lonely
We all long to be seen and known for who we are, and when we aren’t – we can find ourselves feeling lonely. How do the Psalms speak to loneliness? And how can we experience God in the midst of it?
Songs of the Summer: A Song for the Broken-Hearted
Experiencing loss of any kind can be devastating and completely heartbreaking. How can God meet us in that place of being brokenhearted?
Songs of the Summer: Psalm 85
The Gathering's Church Planter, Dan Chook Reid, brings the final message in our Songs of the Summer series, as he speaks on Psalm 85.