The story of David & Goliath is often considered a classic underdog story. Or a classic good vs evil story. Or a classic “overcoming the giants in your life” story. But is this really what this story is about? Underdogs? Good vs Evil? Giants? What if there is much more to the story than we realize? Listen here as we explore this classic Old Testament story and consider how it points us to Jesus.

Campfire Stories Summer 2019 Series
Everybody loves a good story. It’s why we watch movies, read books, and sit around campfires in the summer with our kids telling stories. And it’s a big reason why the Bible (especially the Old Testament) is so interesting – because it’s filled with great stories. Stories of eternal significance. Stories that have the power to change us. Stories that point us to Jesus.
This summer, join us as we look at a different Old Testament Bible story each week and consider how these stories point us to Jesus.