Dan Chook Reid

Advent Conspiracy: Spend Less & Give More

This advent season we are looking to celebrate Christmas in a counter-cultural way; by Worshiping Fully, Spending Less, Giving More, and Loving all. This week we are focusing in on Spending Less and Giving More. How should the Christmas cause us to reflect on our spending habits and to become more generous?

The Good and Beautiful Life: Living As Kingdom People

Jesus invites us not to a religion, but to follow Him and to live our lives as Kingdom people. But what does that look like in our daily lives?  This Sunday we look at Jesus’ teaching on this topic, and what it means to abide in Him daily.

Campfire Stories: The Story of Nehemiah

Have you ever looked out over your city and felt deep despair and sadness? Has your heart stirred, moving you to pray, longing to see a move of God? Nehemiah saw his city in a state of destruction because of his people’s disobedience and it stirred within him a vision for his nation. When Nehemiah saw shame and discouragement, his faith caused him to believe that God could redeem and restore. Hear how his visionary leadership is a foreshadowing of the very work Jesus was coming to do.

Campfire Stories: The Story of Ruth

Ruth is a story of great pain, despair and loss. Ruth herself displays great loyalty, commitment and trust. There is great faith met by unexpected provision. In addition, Ruth experiences deep sadness and mourning and yet, through risk and vulnerability, she finds love. Hear how this classic love story of devotion, faith and partnership point to the person of Jesus.

Follow Me: Being With Jesus

Following Jesus starts with being with Jesus; with knowing Him, hearing from Him, and enjoying His presence in our lives. The question is “How?”. How can we become the kind of people who follow Jesus by “Being with Jesus”? Listen here to find out.

Address the Mess: Move Towards the Mess

Whether we’re religious or not, we've all made some messes along the way. We've all thought, "My life is a mess." So, let's talk about it.

Jesus told us to love our neighbours as ourselves. But that’s easier said than done. What are the limits of our responsibility to others? The answer may surprise you.


No podcast this week; check out our facebook live video instead!

Prove It: A New Commandment

What does it look like to have a faith that is bigger than words? A faith that proves our love for God is real? Listen now as we continue in the series “Prove It” through the book of 1 John.