Dan Chook Reid

Ephesians: From Death to Life “Love”

How do you measure love? Can you capture it in interactions, gifts or actions? If love between humans is difficult to measure, how do you even begin to understand God's love for us? Join us as we discuss Paul's prayer that we would grasp, even just a little more, the power of God's love for us. This love has transformed many lives and Paul's prayer is that we would experience the transforming power of this love as well. You won't want to miss it.

Letting Go: Letting Go of Fear

What does it mean to let go of fear as we surrender more fully to Jesus? What might Jesus be inviting us to 'pick up’ in its place? This Sunday, we talk about “Letting Go of Fear”.

United: Race and the Church

Race. Sadly, it’s an issue that has divided the church for centuries. So how can we, as followers of Jesus, be intentional to build bridges across racial, ethical and cultural divides? And how can the good news of Jesus guide and shape our efforts? What does it look like to be united in Christ, despite these differences?

Psalm 1

Dan Chook Reid wraps up our Summer of Psalms with a message from Psalm 1.