Church as a ‘Sent People’

September 27, 2015 ()

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It’s easy to make church “all about me” and my personal preferences. “Do I like the Pastor?” “Do I like the preaching?” “Do I like the music?” “Do I like the people?” And in doing this, we run the risk of turning the church into a social club full of people with similar interests and beliefs. But is that really the kind of Church that Jesus envisioned when he said that, “I will build my church and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it”? Is that really what he hoped for when he told his first disciples to, “Go and make disciples of every nation”? No chance! So what, then, does it look like for the church to be a “sent people” and to live on mission? Hint: It has very little to do with the whether or not we like the preacher.