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Coming out of Sunday Oct 18th’s teaching, “UNITED: Race and the Church”, spend some time in prayerful reflection and dialogue with your Home Church/Friends/Family about these questions:

Read through Ephesians 2:11-16 before starting. Pray and ask God to speak.

  1. What resonated most with you from Sunday’s message? Why is that? How is God speaking to you?

  1. How would you articulate your experience of this topic? Have you faced injustice yourself? Are you aware of ways that you have potentially hurt others? Do you feel like you have been unaware of the depth of the issue? How is God inviting you to respond now?

  1. How is the message that Christ has broken “the dividing wall of hostility” good news? What significance would it make for the world if Jesus is truly our peace?

  1. When you picture heaven, do you see the beauty of people from every tribe, language and ethnicity united under Christ? How might this image change how you live right now?

  1. Do you have rich friendships with people from other cultures? Do you read Christian literature written by people of colour? How could these simple practices help you grow in your own life and the call to be a bridge builder? Are there actions you want to take in these areas?

  2. Dan and Melody laid out some practical ways that the Church can move towards reconciliation. These practices include lament, confession, forgiveness, joining the fight towards reconciliation, prayer and loving others. How is Jesus inviting you to respond? How might you practice that this week?