
Life Together: A Shared Identity

A lot of people think of ‘church’ as being a one or two hour event every Sunday and that’s about it. But what does God think about when he thinks about the Church? What’s his vision for Church? And what might that mean for us at The Gathering? Join us this fall as we talk about what it means to be God’s people (the Church!) who share in “Life Together”.

Being a part of a church is so much more than simply attending a weekly church service. In Christ, we have shared identity and a common purpose. We are family. But what does this mean in practical terms? And how might knowing this change the way we engage in church-life?

The Church Defined: A Covenant Community

The word ‘commitment’ is often seen as a swear word in our culture today. Many are afraid to commit to a relationship, to a contract of some kind, and even to a church. But in the Bible, ‘commitment’ and belonging to a ‘covenant community’ (i.e. a church) is a clear call on every follower of Jesus’ life. But why? Why does this matter so much? Tune in as we explore what it means to be the church together.