Have you ever prayed the Lord's Prayer? If you memorized it as a child it could have fond memories or it could have negative memories and be associated with empty religion. Is there any value in praying these ancient words today? Join us as Dan unpacks this powerful text from Matthew 6 and teaches on the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray.

The Lord's Prayer
Without a doubt, “The Lord’s Prayer” is the most famous prayer ever prayed. Many churches pray it together in their services each week as part of their liturgy. People often recite it at funerals and at significant moments in their lives. Just a couple decades ago, it was recited in schools across Canada every morning. It is a very familiar prayer to religious and non-religious people alike. But what is the point of this prayer? And why does it matter so much? How could praying it, as Jesus instructed us to, shape the way we live our lives and grow our connection to Christ as we aim to follow Him each and every day?
Join us at The Gathering this January – March as we explore this epic prayer together!
The Lord’s Prayer: Deliver Us
Spiritual warfare is real. There are evil forces at work around us trying to destroy us. It’s why Jesus instructed us to pray “Deliver us from evil”. So how can we experience increasing freedom and victory over the evil forces in our lives?
The Lord’s Prayer: Lead Us Not
Jesus instructed us to pray that God would not “…lead us not into temptation”. What does this mean and why is it important to pray?
The Lord’s Prayer: As We Also Forgive
Forgiven people forgive people. That’s how the Gospel works. It’s why Jesus instructed us to pray, “Forgive us our sins as we also forgive those who sin against us.” But what happens when we don’t forgive others? And what can we do to remain soft-hearted; as people who are quick to extend forgiveness to others?
The Lord’s Prayer: Forgive Us
Forgiveness is core to the message of Jesus. We all want it, we all need it, and we all turn to different places to find it when we have’t experienced it in Christ. It’s what makes this line in “The Lord’s Prayer” so critical, “Forgive us our sins…”. Why is it so important to pray this prayer? And what is forgiveness from sin and how can we experience it?
The Lord’s Prayer: Give Us This Day
God our Father loves to provide for His kids and the Bible tells us that He already knows what we need even before we ask (Matthew 6:8). Yet Jesus instructs us to pray a prayer for provision as part of the Lord’s Prayer. Why is this so significant? And how could praying this prayer daily change our lives?
The Lord’s Prayer: Your Will Be Done
CS Lewis once said that there are two types of people in the world; People who say to God, “Your will be done” and people to whom God says instead, “Your will be done”. Which type are you? And what does it matter? This Sunday we look at the line “Your will be done” in Jesus’ epic prayer, “The Lord’s Prayer”.
The Lord’s Prayer: Your Kingdom Come
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructed us to pray that God’s “Kingdom Come”. So what is God’s Kingdom? And why would Jesus ask us to pray for it to come? How might God want to use this section of the Lord’s Prayer to impact our lives and the lives of those around us?
The Lord’s Prayer: Hallowed Be Your Name
The word “Hallowed” isn’t used all that much in today’s world unless we’re talking about “Halloween”. But of course, that’s not how Jesus used this word when He used it in the “Lord’s Prayer”. In instructing us to pray “Hallowed Be Your Name”, Jesus was talking about something much more sacred and specific than "Halloween”. So what does it mean? And why should we pray “Hallowed be Your name?”
The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father In Heaven
Fathers. We all have them, even if we don’t know them. Some of them are great, some of them aren’t so great. It’s what, for some people, makes “The Lord’s Prayer” so difficult to pray; approaching God as our Heavenly Father. “Our Father in Heaven”. How does seeing God as our Father have the potential to change our prayers and our lives?