Romans: Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life

Romans is a letter that has transformed many lives. From Paul’s original audience of first-century house churches in Rome to us today at The Gathering in 2024 – the truths contained in this letter are life-changing, giving us a deeper knowledge of the Gospel while also equipping us to apply the Gospel in our daily lives.

That’s why, throughout the winter and spring of 2024, we’re journeying through the book of Romans together as a church family. As we look ahead to all that God has for us as a church family, we want ensure that we are being shaped & formed by the Gospel in all that we do; knowing it more deeply while applying it more intentionally. We want to be a people who are being transformed by the Gospel!

Join us as we journey through Romans together throughout the winter & spring of 2024.

Romans, Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life: No Condemnation

At times, the voice of condemnation & shame can speak quite loudly to our hearts: "You're not good enough. God doesn't love you as you are. God could never forgive you for what you did. You're too flawed, too sinful, too broken to be accepted by God..." and on and one we could go. So how does the Gospel of Jesus confront these voices?

Romans 8:1-4

Romans, Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life: Freedom

Having walked through the gospel in Romans 1–5, Paul now applies it directly to the lives of the Roman believers, showing them how they can live free from sin. But it wasn’t just true for them, it’s true for us too. So, how can we avoid negative cycles and break free from the power of sin?Text: Romans 6 & 7

Romans, Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life: Facts & Feelings

Because of Jesus, we can have peace with God and access to God's presence in our daily lives. So what keeps us from living into that peace? And what keeps us from accessing God's presence? How can our feelings some times get in the way of the facts of our salvation?

Text: Romans 5

Romans, Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life: SALVATION

It’s a mind boggling truth - that a just and holy God would declare sinners to be righteous because of what Jesus did on the cross. Yet many of us fail to recognize this truth. So what’s so amazing about grace?

Text: Romans 3:21-28, 4:1-25

Romans, Knowing & Applying the Gospel in Life: Gospel

Romans is a letter that has transformed many lives. From Paul’s original audience of first-century house churches in Rome to us today at The Gathering in 2024 - the truths contained in this letter are life-changing, giving us a deeper knowledge of the Gospel while also equipping us to apply the Gospel in our daily lives.

That’s why, throughout the winter and spring of 2024, we’re journeying through the book of Romans together as a church family. As we look ahead to all that God has for us as a church family, we want ensure that we are being shaped & formed by the Gospel in all that we do; knowing it more deeply while applying it more intentionally. We want to be a people who are being transformed by the Gospel!

Although the church Paul is writing to is facing difficulty and persecution, Paul is confident in the message of the gospel and urges them to remain confident as well. So how can we become confident in our faith despite the challenges we face today too?