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If you missed Sunday November 6th’s message, we’re sorry; the audio for this week’s message was not recorded.

Read the story of Jesus walking on water together in Mark 6:45-52.

  • What stood out to you as you read the story? Why?
  • In Verse 52, we read that the disciples didn’t understand what they had seen because of their hardness of heart. Why is this so surprising (considering how much time they’d spend around Jesus)? What can we learn about our own spiritual condition from this specific part of the story?
  • In talking about the disciples in this story Jeff said, “It’s possible to spend a lot of time AROUND Jesus and to know lots of things ABOUT Jesus, but to not actually know Jesus at all.”  What do you think the difference is between being AROUND Jesus (& knowing ABOUT Jesus) as opposed to actually KNOWING Jesus?
    • How can you know if you actually KNOW Jesus? What is some ‘proof’ in our lives that we actually know Jesus?
  • In walking on the water and intending to “go past them”, Jesus intended to reveal his divine identity to his disciples (in the same way that God did with Moses in Exodus 33 and Elijah in 1 Kings 19).  Why is this so significant? What does this reveal to us about who Jesus is?
  • Jesus knew that his disciples were struggling on the water, but didn’t rush out to help them. Instead,  he revealed his divine identity to his disciples, telling them in verse 50 that “I AM here!” (I AM being the Hebrew name for God – YAHWEH). The disciples were in a tough circumstance, but Jesus wanted them to have a revelation of his glory. What is so significant about this? Why did Jesus intend to reveal himself to the disciples, instead of simply performing another storm-stopping miracle (which he eventually did anyway)? What do you think this means for us?
  • Jeff said, “Maybe Jesus is inviting to stop praying for your problems to go away and start praying for God to reveal himself to you through them.” Do you agree with this statement? What do you think about this?
  • Jeff also said, “Sometimes it’s not the miracle that we need. But the revelation, that we need.” What does this mean? How does having a revelation/encounter with Christ give us confidence as we face life’s problems?
  • What is your main take away from this week’s teaching? What is Jesus inviting you to do in response?