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If you missed Sunday February 16th’s message, “The Lord’s Prayer: Your Will Be Done”, you can watch or listen to it online by clicking here. In your Home Church, use as many or as few of these discussion questions as you need to in order to start a good conversation:

  • Pray together to open things up, concluding with The Lord’s Prayer.
  • Tonight’s discussion is about the third petition and the fourth line in the Lord’s Prayer,  “Your Will Be Done“. What makes this part of the prayer so powerful (when prayed deeply from the heart)?
  • Jeff talked about how “Your Will Be Done” can be seen as a prayer of alignment. How does praying this pray work to align our will with God’s will? How (and why) does our will and God’s will so often collide?
  • Jeff challenged us to ask ourselves the question, “Is MY will aligned with God’s will?”. So, is it? Where is it aligned and where isn’t it aligned? What can you do to bring more of your will into alignment with God’s will?
  • What has your experience been in knowing and discerning God’s will in life? What are some things God has used to reveal his will to you?
  • Jeff talked about the difference between God’s macro (universal) will and God’s micro (personal/individual) will. We often want to focus on God’s micro will for our lives. Why? Why is it important to know and understand God’s macro will (in order to understand his micro will)?
  • Below is a list of things we know that are God’s will for the world (his MACRO will) from Scripture. Which one(s) most resonate with you right now. Why?
    • That we would know & love God deeply (Jn 17:3, Matt 22:37-39)
    • For everyone to be saved (2 Pt 3:9, 1 Tim 2:4)
    • For the Gospel to be proclaimed in every nation (Matt 28:19-20)
    • For the Church to represent the character of God to the world (2 Cor 5:20)
    • For there to be perfect unity in the church(John 17:11, 21-23)
    • For there to be perfect peace & reconciliation in the world (Colossians 1:19-20)
    • That we would love one another – including our enemies (Matt 5:44, 22:37-39)
    • For marriages and families to be strong and healthy (Eph 5:31-32)
    • That we would be a thankful people (1 Thess 5:18)
    • That we would be a sanctified people, increasingly become more like Jesus (1 Thess 4:3, 1 John 3:2-3)
    • That we would become an increasingly loving and generous people (1 Tim 6:17-19)
    • That the poor and needy would be cared for; that justice would reign in our world (Isaiah 58:6-11)
    • That we would be obedient to Jesus’ teaching (John 14:23)
  • What makes praying “Your Will Be Done” a prayer of intercession (in addition to being a prayer of alignment)? What are some situations/circumstances/people in your life right now that you sense God inviting you to intercede for? What does that look like for you in this season of your life?
  • Jeff shared some other ways to pray “Your Will Be Done”. Which ones resonate with you? Why?
    Father, show me your will for _______ situation; let me see this from your perspective.
    • Bring wisdom and clarity when I don’t know which way to go.
    • Grant me grace to totally surrender and to wholeheartedly follow your will.
    • Show me the areas of my life that are not in your will; bring me into alignment with your will in that area of my life.
    • Change ______ in our world. Bring ______ into alignment with your will.
    • It is your will that everyone would be saved – draw my neighbour’s heart to you.
    • It is your will that marriages be strong – lead my marriage into greater health and deeper love.
    • It is your will that my family be healthy – bring healing and order to my home.
    • It is your will that the church would walk in unity – increase the level of unity in my church.
    • Speak to me through the Scriptures about your will for the world. Use me to see “Your Will Be Done.”
  • What is one thing you are taking away from our discussion here tonight?  What is your next step?
  • Spend some time in prayer, praying “Your Will Be Done” in whatever way most resonates with each person.
  • (Remember to pray The Lord’s Prayer daily & deeply this week!)