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  • Talk about your experience on Sunday morning.
    • How did God speak to you during worship?
    • Did you meet anyone new?
    • What was your main take-a-way from the message?
  • Read Genesis 1:26 & 27 together.
    • What do you think it means to be “created in God’s image”?
    • Notice the language God uses in Genesis 1:26. Why do you think He speaks in plural form here? What is significant about that?
    • How does understanding that you were “created for community” and with a deep need for connection with others have the potential to change the way you think about church?
    • How does understanding that you were “created for community” have the potential to change the way you think about how spiritual growth happens and how you can grow in your journey with Christ?
  • Read John 17:20-21 together.
    • What does this show us about Jesus’ desire for his church?
    • What does it mean to “be one as we are one”? Is that even possible in the church today?
  • Read Genesis 2:25 (pre-fall) and then Genesis 3:7 (post-sin).
    • Before sin, Adam & Eve were naked and felt no shame. After sin, they immediately felt shame and hid themselves from each other.
      • What does this show us about God’s original design for relationships?
      • In what ways do you feel shame and “hide” your true self from others?
      • What makes authenticity and vulnerability with others so difficult, and yet so important (particularly in our own spiritual journeys)?
    • What is your reaction to the concept of seeing the church as a family? What does that mean to you?
      • How does seeing the church as a family have the potential to change the way you approach the Sunday morning service? How about Home Church?
      • What is one way that our Home Church can behave more like a spiritual family towards one another this year?
    • Spend some time in prayer as a group. Pray also for the entire Gathering Church family. That God would make us ‘one’ so that the world would see that Jesus is who he says he is (John 17:21).