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Conversation Starters
Sunday October 25, 2015

Talk about your experience on Sunday morning.

  • How did God speak to you this week?
  • Did you meet anyone new?

Read Philippians 2:1-11 together.

  • What words, phrases or verses spoke to you as you read this passage? Why?

In verse 3, Paul said, Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit”

  • How does pride have the potential kill relationships and unity in the church?
  • In what ways do you see “selfish ambition” and “conceit” sometimes being expressed in your life & relationships? (i.e. having to be right all the time, insecurity, living to impress people, comparing yourself to others etc.)

In verses 3b and 4, Paul said, “…but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

  • Some think of humility as weakness. How would you define it? What makes such an important characteristic for followers of Jesus?
  • When in a conflict or disagreement with someone, how does this kind of humility have the potential to change how we might approach that person?
  • Practically speaking, what does it mean for you to “count others as more significant than yourself” and to look to the “interests of others.” Be as specific as you can (think about your spouse, coworkers, children, involvement in the church etc.)

In verses 5-11, Paul provides a beautiful poem about Christ and the humility he demonstrated in coming to earth and in becoming human.

  • What does this poem teach us about the person and character of Jesus?
  • What does this poem teach us about the nature of humility?
    • How does the gospel make us humble?
  • How do you think our Home Church might look different if we actually lived this out?
    • What about our entire church family?
  • For you, how can you follow Jesus’ humble example this week? (i.e. At work, at home, in potential conflicts and disagreements…). Be as specific as possible.

Spend some time in prayer for each other as a group. Ask God to make us a humble people!