
Guest Speaker Josh Wang: Hope in the Midst of Grief

Today, Josh is speaking from the book of 1st Thessalonians. The benediction of this book was an invitation to live by the Spirit, to adopt a depth of joy, trust and gratitude when facing the harsh realities of the world. Join us online as we unpack how this blessing was not only instructive, but simultaneously inspiring, comforting and life-changing.

The Lord’s Prayer: Teach Us To Pray

Part of the challenge with “The Lord’s Prayer” is that is so familiar. We think that we know it just because we have it memorized and have heard it so many times. However, there is a big difference between reciting this prayer and actually praying this prayer deeply from the heart. So what would it look like if we actually prayed as Jesus taught us to pray?

Life Hacks: Praying with Power

Prayer changes things. It’s why the Bible calls us to prayer over and over again. And yet prayer is so often such a big challenge for many of us. Why is that? What is it about prayer that is so difficult for so many of us? Listen now as we conclude “Life Hacks” by exploring this very important topic of prayer and how we can learn to pray with power and authority.