Have you ever prayed the Lord's Prayer? If you memorized it as a child it could have fond memories or it could have negative memories and be associated with empty religion. Is there any value in praying these ancient words today? Join us as Dan unpacks this powerful text from Matthew 6 and teaches on the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray.
Lord's Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer: Give Us This Day
God our Father loves to provide for His kids and the Bible tells us that He already knows what we need even before we ask (Matthew 6:8). Yet Jesus instructs us to pray a prayer for provision as part of the Lord’s Prayer. Why is this so significant? And how could praying this prayer daily change our lives?
The Lord’s Prayer: Your Kingdom Come
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructed us to pray that God’s “Kingdom Come”. So what is God’s Kingdom? And why would Jesus ask us to pray for it to come? How might God want to use this section of the Lord’s Prayer to impact our lives and the lives of those around us?
The Lord’s Prayer: Teach Us To Pray
Part of the challenge with “The Lord’s Prayer” is that is so familiar. We think that we know it just because we have it memorized and have heard it so many times. However, there is a big difference between reciting this prayer and actually praying this prayer deeply from the heart. So what would it look like if we actually prayed as Jesus taught us to pray?