One of the key metaphors that the Bible uses for church is “the body of Christ.” We may all have different gifts and play different roles, but together we are…
The word ‘commitment’ is often seen as a swear word in our culture today. Many are afraid to commit to a relationship, to a contract of some kind, and even…
Often we assume a church is a building, a worship service or a program of some kind. But the Bible defines church very differently; It defines church as a people…
At the end of the day, following Jesus means committing to living out the teachings of Jesus and actually doing what He said. But what does that look like? And…
A central goal for every follower of Jesus should be to become like Jesus; to have our character fundamentally changed and formed by the Spirit of Jesus. But what does…
Following Jesus is not primarily about doing thing FOR Jesus, but about being WITH Jesus. But what does that look like? And how can we orient our life around this…