In today's message, which originally aired on July 17, 2022, we heard from a great friend of The Gathering, Josh Wang, the Lead Pastor at Renewal Church Ottawa. Josh shared a message from the text of 2 Kings 5:1-19. The people of Israel were the people of God, and the story of Naaman is an example of how God goes beyond the lines that humans draw and the boundaries that we erect. This is a story of grace, humility, healing, new humanity and the dividing walls being brought down in God’s power.

I Am
Join us this summer as Dan Chook Reid teaches on the “I AM” statements in the bible. I AM the Resurrection and the Life. I AM the Good Shepherd. I AM the True Vine.
He IS and amazing God…lets dig into that together.
I Am: The Way, The Truth and The Life
In today's message, which originally aired on July 10, 2022, Dan shared a message from his "I Am" series on The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and from the text of John 14:1-11. As Christians, it can be tempting to see Jesus and Christianity as an equivalent option to get to God, as all the other options. In a world with so many different narratives and beliefs, we can be tempted to see our faith as just another path to God. However, Jesus doesn't really give us that option. Join us as we look at Jesus' bold statement "I am the way, the truth and the life" and his declaration that if we want to find our way to God, then we should look to Him.
I Am: The True Vine
Today, Dan is sharing a message from his "I Am" series on the True Vine, and from the text of John 15:1-17. Where do you turn to for your energy, strength and peace? Do you even know what you rely on? Jesus makes a statement that He is the true vine and we’re unpacking what that means. What does it look like for Him to be our source of energy, strength and life? Watch now to find out!
I Am: The Light of the World
In today's message, which originally aired on June 26, 2022, Dan shared a message from his "I Am" series on the Light of the World, and from the text of John 8:12-20. Sometimes the world can feel pretty dark. Sometimes it even feels like the darkness is winning. However, as believers we have hope. Jesus says that he is the Light of the World. Let’s unpack what that statement means.
I Am: The Good Shepherd
Today Dan shares a message from his "I Am" series on the Good Shepherd, and from the text of John 10:1-18. How do you respond when you hear someone calling out your name? It depends who it is, right? Many of us would still recognize the voice of our mother calling out to us in a crowd… Well, Jesus says that He is the good shepherd and His sheep recognize his voice… Join us as we unpack this text!