"The world can often seem chaotic and unstable. Anxiety and uncertainties in life seem to be relentless. We acknowledge that Christ is King and proclaim the truth of Psalm 93: The Lord reigns, we are invited to trust the One who is mightier than the storms we face."
Guest Preacher
Doubt (Genesis 3:1-7)
Pastor Dan preaches from Genesis 3:1-7 on the topic of faith and doubt. How we can trust is God when we are tempted to doubt his goodness?
“Watch Closely How You Walk”
"In the frenetic pace of our daily responsibilities, it's easy to lose sight of the pattern of our lives. Ephesians 5:15-20 invites us to pause and take a deeper look. Paul tells us to pay close attention to how you live, to make the most of the time we have and to be filled by the Spirit. This isn't about being constrained, it's about living in a way that is not aimless but progressing towards the most meaningful goal. What does it mean to walk wisely and be wholly alive in the Spirit?"
Never Go Out of Style
What does it look like to set our minds on things above when all the responsibilities of life are navigated in earthly realities? How do you clothe yourself with humility and compassion when ego and self promotion seem to always be in style? In Colossians 3:1-17, we are invited to live resurrected lives as a witness to the world.
Text: Col 3:1-17