To follow Jesus is to “Do What Jesus Said”; to take His commandments seriously by obeying them. The question is “How?”. How can we become the kind of people who follow Jesus by “Doing What Jesus Said”? And what commandments does He actually expect us to keep? Listen here to find out.

Follow Me
“Follow Me!” Jesus said these words to 12 men over 2,000 years ago… and they ended up changing the world. Today, we are given the same invitation: “Follow Me!” It’s an invitation to a life worth living. But what does it actually look like to follow Jesus in today’s world? What attitudes, practices, and behaviours are to mark a follower of Jesus’ life? What are the implications of these things for us as a church community? Join us on Sundays throughout the month of June to find out!
Follow Me: Becoming Like Jesus
To follow Jesus we must become like Jesus; to have our character transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The question is, “How?” How can we become the kind of people who follow Jesus by “Becoming Like Jesus”? Listen here to find out.
Follow Me: Being With Jesus
Following Jesus starts with being with Jesus; with knowing Him, hearing from Him, and enjoying His presence in our lives. The question is “How?”. How can we become the kind of people who follow Jesus by “Being with Jesus”? Listen here to find out.
Follow Me: Following Jesus
We all have different assumptions about what it means to be a Christian. Some people believe Christianity is all about being a good person, while others believe it’s about going to heaven when you die, while others believe it’s all about professing certain beliefs about God. But what about Jesus? What did Jesus - the founder of Christianity - say about Christianity? What kind of life is He inviting us into? Listen here to find out!