Ephesians: From Death to Life
The book of Ephesians is a book that is loaded with truth as well as teaching about how we should live in response to that truth. Who are we in Christ, and how should this truth impact how we live? What is the church, and what does it mean to be a part of it? What did Jesus accomplish on the cross and the resurrection, and how should this impact the way that we interact with others? What does it mean to be led by the Spirit, and how should it impact our relationships? What about spiritual warfare?
Join us this Spring at The Gathering as we talk about these questions and more by exploring the book of Ephesians and how we can move “from death to life” together as a community.
Ephesians: From Death to Life “The Battle”
Ephesians: From Death to Life “Spirit-Led Relationships
In today's passage, the Apostle Paul talks about relationships and how God's people are to engage with each other in light of what Jesus has done for us. What does it look like to have spirit-led, Christ-centered relationships in the home, at work and in all areas of life?
Ephesians: From Death to Life “Walking in Holiness”
What does it look like to lead a life worthy of our calling? What is the role of purity and holiness in that?
Ephesians: From Death to Life “Walking in Unity”
Ephesians 4 marks the beginning of the second half of the book of Ephesians where Paul now begins to talk about HOW we are to apply the Gospel to our lives. He starts by talking about the importance of unity in the church. How does unity fit in to the story of the Gospel?
Ephesians: From Death to Life “Love”
How do you measure love? Can you capture it in interactions, gifts or actions? If love between humans is difficult to measure, how do you even begin to understand God's love for us? Join us as we discuss Paul's prayer that we would grasp, even just a little more, the power of God's love for us. This love has transformed many lives and Paul's prayer is that we would experience the transforming power of this love as well. You won't want to miss it.
Ephesians: From Death to Life “The Other Half of the Gospel”
Ephesians 2:1-10 talks about how God saves us and reconciles us to God as INDIVIDUALS… but how does the Gospel speak into our society, culture and relationships as well?
Ephesians: From Death to Life “Before and After”
What was our spiritual condition before Christ? And what is it (or what CAN it be) now AFTER Christ?
Ephesians: From Death to Life “Knowing God”
What does it mean to know God? What does it look like to experience Him?
Ephesians: From Death to Life “Blessings”
The book of Ephesians starts by talking about how God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. But what does that mean? How specifically has God blessed us? And how does His blessing change us? Join us this Sunday to find out.