In today's message, friend of The Gathering, Josh Wang from Renewal Church in Barrhaven digs into John 20:19-31. Here, in Eastertide, we see the breath of God breathed out through Jesus making new people out of the disciples through the Spirit. Through the people of God, Jesus offers new life to the world.

Easter 2022
This Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we’re taking a look at all that was done for us when Jesus gave His life for us on the cross. He is Risen…He is Risen INDEED!!
Easter 2022: Easter Sunday
Happy Easter!!! This Easter, please enjoy a re-watch of last year's amazing Easter service...with great worship, a fantastic interview, and a focus on all that Jesus did for us when He died...and ROSE AGAIN!!
Easter 2022: Good Friday
This Good Friday, we're airing a special re-watch of last year's service. Join us as in somber reflection as we look back at what was given to us when Christ laid His life down on the cross.