Acts of the Apostles
The Book of Acts tells an amazing story. It tells the story of how God began the movement known as The Church. And it tells the story of all the amazing things that God, by His Spirit, did through this movement as His people committed to following Jesus together and to reclaiming God’s vision for the world, even as they faced some extraordinary challenges together.
For us, coming out of the pandemic (we hope!), there may be no better time than now to explore this story together as a church. What can we learn about ‘being the church’ through this amazing story together? And how might God long to recapture our imaginations and rekindle His vision for the church in us as we look at this story together as The Gathering?
This fall, join us at The Gathering as we begin our journey through the book of Acts and look to receive fresh inspiration from God as we join Him in His mission today.
Acts of the Apostles: A Tale of Two Cities
In today's passage, one city rejected the Paul's message about Jesus while the other embraced it. How can we become more like City #2?
Acts of the Apostles: A Good Ol’ Fashioned Hymn Sing
What would you do if you were stuck in a prison, with your feet clamped in stocks, after having been beaten with wooden rods? Well, Paul and Silas sang hymns! What can we learn from their example in this story?
Acts of the Apostles: Change of Plans
The Book of Acts tells an amazing story - it tells the story of how God began the movement known as The Church. And it tells the story of all the amazing things that God, by His Spirit, did through this movement as His people committed to following Jesus together and to reclaiming God’s vision for the world, even as they faced some extraordinary challenges together.
In today's message, which originally aired on March 12, 2023 Jeff digs into Acts 16:1-15. The Holy Spirit often guides as much by ‘closing doors’ as he does by ‘opening doors,’ as he did with Paul & his team here in Acts 16:1-15. What can we learn about how the Spirit leads & guides us from this story?
Acts of the Apostles: Parting Ways
The Book of Acts tells an amazing story - it tells the story of how God began the movement known as The Church. And it tells the story of all the amazing things that God, by His Spirit, did through this movement as His people committed to following Jesus together and to reclaiming God’s vision for the world, even as they faced some extraordinary challenges together.
In today's message, which originally aired on March 5, 2023 Jeff digs into Acts 15:36-41. There are times where “parting ways” in life and in ministry is the best way to go. But how can we know when it’s one of those times?
Guest Speaker: Dan Byrne
Today at The Gathering, we welcome Dan Byrne!! After serving a local church in Ottawa for over a decade, Dan stepped out as a local missionary to the city because he believes the mission field is HERE. Dan graduated from Cedarville University in Ohio and holds advanced degrees from Providence Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minister with the Evangelical Free Church of Canada and a Certified Mentor of the Antioch School of Church Planting and Leadership Training. Dan comes to us now, representing Connecting Streams, and is commissioned for this ministry through the Evangelical Free Church of Canada and Power to Change.
Acts of the Apostles: Decisions, Decisions…
The Book of Acts tells an amazing story - it tells the story of how God began the movement known as The Church. And it tells the story of all the amazing things that God, by His Spirit, did through this movement as His people committed to following Jesus together and to reclaiming God’s vision for the world, even as they faced some extraordinary challenges together.
In today's message, which originally aired on February 19, 2023 Jeff digs into Acts 15:1-35 How did the early church go about making difficult, complex and controversial decisions that impacted a lot of people? What can we learn from them today?
Acts of the Apostles: Positive Choices, Negative Consequences
The Book of Acts tells an amazing story - it tells the story of how God began the movement known as The Church. And it tells the story of all the amazing things that God, by His Spirit, did through this movement as His people committed to following Jesus together and to reclaiming God’s vision for the world, even as they faced some extraordinary challenges together.
In today's message, which originally aired on February 12, 2023 Jeff digs into Acts 14:8-20 As we follow Jesus and invite others to follow Jesus with us, we can and should expect resistance. Ministry is hard. Following Jesus is hard. So how did Paul and Barnabas deal with that in their lives and ministries? What can this mean for us today?
Acts of the Apostles: The Message of Salvation
The Book of Acts tells an amazing story - it tells the story of how God began the movement known as The Church. And it tells the story of all the amazing things that God, by His Spirit, did through this movement as His people committed to following Jesus together and to reclaiming God’s vision for the world, even as they faced some extraordinary challenges together.
In today's message, which originally aired on February 5, 2023 Jeff digs into Acts 13:13-52. In Acts 13, we see the Apostle Paul's very first recorded sermon in the Bible. What can we learn about the message of Jesus from Paul in his first message?
Guest Speaker Ryan Jantzi: The Mission Expands
In today's message, we get to hear from Guest Speaker Ryan Jantzi, from the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches! Ryan is speaking on Psalm 51.