Prove It: Living In The Light

February 10, 2019 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: 1 John 1:5-10, 2:1-6, 2:15-17 | Jeff Jantzi
Series: Prove It
A Christian’s life should be living proof of their connection to Jesus. Essentially, our sacrificial love for others is a testament of our sacrificial love for God. In his first epistle—which forms the basis for this series—the apostle John walks through several aspects of the Christian life, revealing where the evidence lies for each. Do you know God? You can prove it because the evidence is in your obedience. Do you truly love your neighbour? You can prove it because the evidence is in your sacrifice. We don’t earn God’s forgiveness with our good deeds, but a transformed life should look just like that—transformed. You can say it with your mouth, but the evidence is in your actions. Listen now as we launch into this very important teaching series!