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If you missed Sunday November 5th’s message, “A Hope Fueled Vision: Living as Pilgrims and Sojourners”, you can listen to it here.

  • How did God speak to you and/or challenge you during the service this past Sunday?
  • Read 1 Peter 1:1-12.
  • Have you ever had an experience where you felt like an outsider, as someone who has been pushed to the margins?
    • How did these experiences make you feel?
    • How did you cope?
  • What opposition, if any; have you encountered in your sphere of influence (friends, workplace and community) because of the way you live or your faith in Jesus?
    • What was your posture towards someone who has persecuted you?

  • What is the dominating vision in your life?
    • If you could “wave a magic wand” to change your life, what positive changes would you intentionally implement
    • Overall how would you describe your emotional being and mood?

  • Are you cultivating a deeper grasp and understanding of the gospel?

  • Take some time to reflect as a group what trials and hardships you have faced together this past year.
    • How has God shaped you as an individual and a group this year?
    • What would it look like if you are able to see the gospel with greater clarity than your problems?