How does insecurity hurt, prevent and even kill our relationships? And more importantly, how can the Gospel free us from our insecurities and make true and real connection possible? Listen…
We live in a materialistic and consumeristic world. "Buy this, but that" messages are everywhere and are unavoidable. So how does consumerism impact our relationships? And what does the Gospel…
You were created for connection! Meaningful, honest connection and spiritual friendship. And yet, for many of us, we feel so lonely, isolated & disconnected instead. Why is that? If God…
One of the things the religious crowd hated most about Jesus was that he always seemed to care more about people than he did about the rules. People’s needs always…
Jesus always takes things deeper. He always goes to the root issue. Listen as Jeff unpacks Mark 2:18-28, where Jesus is confronted about both "fasting" and the "Sabbath" but responds…
Listen as Trevor Seath, Ontario Director or C2C, unpacks Mark 2:1-12 and the story of the paralytic being lowered on a mat before Jesus. Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man 2 When…
Far too often, Christians find themselves preoccupied with who's "in" and who's "out". With who God accepts and includes and who He doesn't. But what about Jesus? Was this something…