As we continue our extended series "Jesus 101", Jeff dives in to the story of Jesus walking on the water. What can we learn about faith and about trusting in…
What can we learn about Jesus and life in his Kingdom from Mark 6:1-6 – where people refused to acknowledge him for who he is? Rejecting him and his power?…
Join us next Sunday as we get back into our Jesus 101 series and our journey through the Gospel of Mark. We’ll be looking at the incredible story of Jesus…
We weren't created to work 7 days a week. We need rest. Rest for souls, rest for our minds, and rest for our bodies. Ultimately, what we need is to find rest in…
It's possible to be somewhere, but somewhere else at the same time. To be physically present but emotionally and spiritually absent at the same time. With all the stress, busyness and pressures of…
Dallas Willard once said that in order to experience all that God has for us that we must "ruthlessly eliminate hurry" from our lives. But this is easier said than…