Guest Speaker, Dan Reid from The Journey brings the message. Listen now to hear Dan's story of how he found God while battling the storm of his life - cancer.
Jeff continues on with our journey through the Gospel of Mark by looking at Mark 12:18-27 where some religious leaders questioned Jesus about the resurrection.
Mike continues our journey though the Gospel of Mark by looking at the story in Mark 12 where the Pharisees tied to trick Jesus into saying something He shouldn't say.…
Mike continues our journey through the Gospel of Mark by looking at the story in Mark 11:27-12:12 where Jesus told a parable of some down right evil farmers! What can…
Anytime we see a person get angry, we have an opportunity to learn about what really matters to that person. So what can we learn about Jesus and what matters most…
Jeff continues our journey through the Gospel of Mark by looking at the story in Mark 11:12-14 where Jesus cursed a fig tree. What’s up with that?!! Listen here to find out!
This morning we celebrated new life, as seven people took a step in their faith journey and were baptized in water! Check out Jeff's pre-baptism message here.