Jeff concludes our series with a Q&A of the most popular questions that arose during our "The Birds, The Bees & The Bible" series. Listen now!

The Birds The Bees & The Bible
What does the bible have to say about human sexuality? We’re taking a revealing look at sex and scripture.
Here is a glimpse into the topics we will be discussing throughout this series:
November 4: “The Bible & Sex”
November 11: “The Bible & Pornography”
November 18: “The Bible & Homosexuality”
November 25: “Q&A”
* Note: This series is rated “PG-13” due to the sensitive nature of the topic.
The Birds, The Bees & The Bible: The Bible & Homosexuality
Few issues have been as divisive in the church in recent years as the topic of “homosexuality” and issues surround the LGBTQ community. Some argue that “love is love” and that if Jesus were here today he would affirm homosexuality, while others argue that the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin and should be condemned. So what does the Bible actually say about homosexuality? We must let the Scriptures - not culture - shape our perspective on this critical issue.
The Birds, The Bees & The Bible: The Bible & Pornography
Porn is everywhere. According to some studies, somewhere around 12% of all websites are pornographic and 25% of search engine requests are pornography related. So how are we - as followers of Jesus - to think about and approach this issue of pornography? What does it look like to live into the kind of life Jesus invites us to live when we are surrounded by porn and sexual temptation? It’s time we let the Scriptures - not culture - shape our perspective on human sexuality.
Our apologies: The podcast was not recorded this morning, however you can watch the Facebook live video here!
The Birds, The Bees & The Bible: The Bible & Sex
"Whatever feels good, do it (so long as you don’t hurt anybody).” Generally speaking, this is the narrative that our culture seems to embrace regarding life and sex. At the same time, Christians seem to embrace an opposite narrative: “Pleasure is bad. Avoid it at all costs.” So which one is it? Which narrative is right (or wrong)? And what does the Bible actually teach us about sex? It’s time we let the Scriptures - not culture - shape our perspective on human sexuality.