We tend to hold grudges and not forgive…but would a solid understanding of God’s grace change the way we deal with our bitterness? Listen here to find out!

Messy Grace
If there is one thing that makes Christianity different from all the other religions in the world, it’s GRACE. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!
Messy Grace: Receiving Grace
Shame is a heavy burden that weighs us down, but grace is so much greater! How can we be freed from our burdens and receive God’s grace? Listen here to find out!
Messy Grace: Knowing Grace
If there is one thing that makes Christianity different from all the other religions in the world, it’s GRACE. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! And yet, for many people, Christianity seems to be about religiously following a set of rules instead. Why is that? What makes grace such a different religion? And how can we experience and know this ‘Amazing’ and ‘Messy’ Grace? Listen to here to find out!