For our first service of this New Year, we’re delighted to welcome back Steve Brown, President of the Arrow Leadership Program!

God So Loved
The Good News of Christmas is that in Christ, God came near to us and revealed His love for us. But how can we know God’s love for us more fully this Christmas? And how might God want to change us by His love as we follow Jesus together?
For God So Loved…Our Families
Ever feel like you are just too broken to be fixed? Or that your family story is too broken and dysfunctional to be redeemed? Lots of people do. It's what makes Christmas so hard for so many. But the good news of Christmas is that God entered in to the mess of our world and our lives to redeem our world and our lives. Our families too. What if, this Christmas, we could see our stories and our families through the lens of God's saving and redeeming power in Christ, instead of our brokenness and dysfunction? What would this Christmas look like for us instead?
For God So Loved….You & I!
While John 3:16 may not be a traditional Christmas verse, it tells the story of Christmas about as succinctly as any other verse in the Bible. That because God so loved the world, he gave us his one and only son. How might knowing and embracing God's love change the way we experience Christmas?
The Good News of Christmas is that in Christ, God came near to us and revealed His love for us. But how can we know God’s love for us more fully this Christmas? And how might God want to change us by His love as we follow Jesus together? Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the life-changing love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ.
For God So Loved…The WORLD
Jesus didn’t just come for you and for me; he came for the WORLD - including the poor, the forgotten and the hungry. So what is one practical way that we can extend the love of God to the poor and to those who need it most around the world this Christmas? Join us this Sunday for “Compassion Sunday” as we hear from Jeff Hackett from Compassion Canada about our ministry with the “Ottawa Compassion Collective” in Guatemala. (And come ready to sponsor some kids!)