Jesus once said that “it’s better to give than to receive” however our culture seems to teach that “it’s better to receive than to give.” Two very different approaches to generosity and giving, and two very different beliefs about how we are to use our resources and material possessions. So how can we become people who live by the words of Jesus, as opposed to the teaching of our culture? What does it look like to be a cheerful giver? Listen here to find out.

God Loves A Cheerful Giver
Jesus once said that “it’s better to give than to receive” however our culture seems to teach that “it’s better to receive than to give.” Two very different approaches to generosity and giving, and two very different beliefs about how we are to use our resources and material possessions. So how can we become people who live by the words of Jesus, as opposed to the teaching of our culture? What does it look like to be a cheerful giver? Join us February 3rd to find out.