We weren't created to work 7 days a week. We need rest. Rest for souls, rest for our minds, and rest for our bodies. Ultimately, what we need is to find rest in God. And yet, as busy people who are addicted to work and hurriedness, we resist it. We fight it. We refuse to be still. So, how can we find rest in God in the midst of our busy and (sometimes) over-scheduled lives? How does the Good News of Jesus free us from our addiction to busy-ness and help us find the rest that we so desperately need?

Breathing Room
“Creating Space for God in the Midst of the Crazy.”
Join us from September 11, September 18 and September 25 2016 as we talk about what it looks like to experience God amidst the craziness and the busyness of life and routine. What attitudes, behaviours, and perspectives do we need to adopt in order to avoid getting sucked into the hurriedness of life and to ensure that we are creating space for God?
Sunday Sept 11 – “Eliminating Hurry”
Sunday Sept 18 – “Being Fully Present”
Sunday Sept 25 – “Finding Rest”
Being Fully Present
It's possible to be somewhere, but somewhere else at the same time. To be physically present but emotionally and spiritually absent at the same time. With all the stress, busyness and pressures of this life...along with smartphones, social media and everything else that screams for our attention... it's easy to be "somewhere else" and to disconnect from people who are right here right now. But is that really the life that God calls us to live? What does it look like to be "fully present" with the people God has placed in our lives, even when we are really busy? How does the good news of Jesus make this possible?
Eliminating Hurry
Dallas Willard once said that in order to experience all that God has for us that we must "ruthlessly eliminate hurry" from our lives. But this is easier said than done, especially when we live such full and busy lives. So what does this look like eliminate hurry and this sense of rushing from our lives? Why does this matter?