Attending a church service each week is not like attending any other event. Gathering with the church to worship shapes who we are becoming. But why? And how does this happen? What is the role of church gatherings and worship services in our faith? Why are they so important?

Better Together
It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to be together as a church family each week. The disconnection and isolation has been hard. Some have found themselves feeling completely disconnected from the church as a result. Some have found themselves struggling spiritually. Some have even chosen not to return to church all-together. So what might it look like to rebuild community as we regather as a church? And why does being a part of a church matter in the first place? What might God’s vision for our community be as we enter in to this new season of life and ministry together? Join us this September as we talk about how we truly are #BetterTogether.
Sunday September 12, 2022: “Created for Community”
Sunday September 19, 2022: “Shaped by Community”
Sunday September 26, 2022: “Gathered in Community”
Better Together: Shaped By Community
Following Jesus is a team sport. We can’t do it on our own; We need to belong to a Jesus-centred community in order to grow and become like Jesus. So why is it that this kind of community is so rare (even in the church)? And how can we be more intentional to become this kind of community together?
Better Together: Created for Community
We weren’t created to do life alone, we were created for community and connection with others. But what is this ‘community and connection with others’ to look like according to Scripture?