Jeff Jantzi teaches on Jesus' parable of The Two Sons in the first week of our summer sermon series, "Campfire Stories."
Jeff Jantzi
Jeff is the Lead Pastor at The Gathering Ottawa and preaches most Sunday mornings.
Summer Celebration
Summer time brings opportunity. Opportunity for some R&R and time in the outdoors. It's also brings plenty of opportunity to connect with other people. Neighbours. Friends. Family. So how can we make the most of us these summer months to see God use us in the relationships he's given us?
Be the Change
Ghandi once said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Ghandi may not have been a Christian, but he sure was right about this. Change starts with us. God wants His hope for the world to live in and through us. So, what does it mean to “be the change” in our world today?
Watch the last message in the Hope Lives series here.
Noticing the Unnoticed
Ever noticed that Jesus noticed the unnoticed in the world? What would it look like for us to become more like Jesus in this way? Watch Week 5 of Hope Lives here.
The opposite of poverty is not wealth – it’s enough. Enough food to live, enough shelter to remain safe and dry, enough opportunity to become a self-sustaining member of society, enough dignity to become the person God created you to be. What can we do to work towards a world where every person has enough?
Watch Jeff's message on learning to live on enough.
Becoming a Good Samaritan
Probably the most famous parable Jesus ever told is the story of “The Good Samaritan.” But unfortunately it’s become a bit of a cliché in today’s culture. So what can we actually learn from this story? And more importantly, as we think about how “Hope Lives” in and through us as the church, how can we become “Good Samaritans” to the poor and the broken in our world today?
Watch Pastor Jeff Jantzi as he unpacks the story of the Good Samaritan.
God Is Not Silent
God has not left the world to fend for itself. Hope lives in and through His church! This week we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about serving the poor, the widows, and the orphans, and how God desires for us to show His love to those in need.
Watch Pastor Jeff Jantzi's introduction to the series, "Hope Lives"
Calling Killers
God has a call on your life. He wants to use to to advance his purposes in this world. So what's stopping us from living into our God-given destiny? What keeps us from fully engaging in the call of God on our lives?
Watch as Pastor Jeff Jantzi concludes the sermon series, "Answering the Call"
One-in-a-Million Call
God has a specific plan and purpose for every single one of us. But how do we know if we're living it out? How do we determine what our calling is? What if you're missing out on God's purpose for your life? Let's take the mystery out of what it means to embrace God's unique call on your life.
Watch Jeff's message on how to discern your one-in-a-million call in life.
Who? ME?!
Most of us aren't "called by God", are we? I mean, how can you really know if He has placed a calling on your life? I suppose if you're a priest, pastor, saint, or missionary then surely God must have a calling on your life. But what about the rest of us? Do we have a calling? In our gut, don't we all desire to fulfill our destiny and leave a legacy? What do we do with this deep longing and desire in our heart?