Talk about your experience on Sunday morning.
- How did God speak to you during worship and/or teaching this week?
- What have you been reflecting on and/or praying about in response to this week’s service?
Read Mark 2:1-12 together.
- What stood out to you as you read this passage? Why?
In Mark 2, Jesus’ ministry begins to stir questions and criticism from religious leaders.
- What do you think motivates religious people to resist God’s work?
- Have you ever struggled to surrender to something that you knew God wanted to do in your life? What was that like?
In Mark 2:5 it says that Jesus, “saw the faith” of the four friends who had carried the paralytic to him. Their faith was visible because they acted boldly in confidence that Jesus would make all the difference.
- What would it look like for you to live more that way?
- What kinds of bold action would display our faith as a church?
In Matthew 6:10 and 16:19, Jesus invites us to have a role in bringing His Kingdom and building His Church.
- What role do we have in these passages?
- How are we doing at embracing the part that Jesus has given us?
With a paralyzed man lowered down in front of him, Jesus declares, “My son, your sins are forgiven.” People must have wondered if Jesus had missed the point.
- How would this story feel to you if it ended there?
- Why is sin such a big problem?
The question Jesus asks in Mark 2:9 is thought provoking. Which is easier?
- Why is it more costly for Jesus to forgive sins than it is to heal diseases?
We could apply this story as a moral encouragement: The paralyzed man had friend who were organized, persistent, and innovative in bringing him to Jesus and we should be that way too.
- Why aren’t the four friends the true heroes of this story?