NOTE: If you missed this week’s message, click here to listen or watch.
Talk about your experience on Sunday morning.
- How did God speak to you during worship and/or teaching this week?
- What have you been reflecting on and/or praying about in response to this week’s service?
Read Mark 1:16-20 together.
- What stood out to you as you read this passage? Why?
- Mark wrote that both Simon & Andrew and James & John ‘immediately’ (or ‘at once’) dropped their nets to follow Jesus. Why is that significant?
- In what ways do you find you sometimes ‘delay’ in responding to Jesus’ call in your life? (think about daily examples as well as larger life-decision examples).
- What might it look like for you to respond to Jesus the way these first disciples responded?
- In choosing to follow Jesus, these four fisherman chose to leave their family businesses as well as their families behind in order to make Jesus their #1 priority in life (or in other words, to “follow ” him).
- In what ways do our careers and/or families sometimes end up trumping Jesus and the priority he wants to have in our lives? Be as specific as possible.
- What do you think it looks like for you to ‘leave’ your job & career and/or family ‘behind’ in order to follow Jesus? (without necessarily actually leaving your job and your family!)
- Share an example from your own life of a time when you ‘left’ something ‘behind’ in order to follow Jesus. What did that look like for you?
- Jesus was the one who initiated a relationship with these first disciples, calling out to them from the shore. In Christ we see a God who pursues and a God who calls out to us, meeting us right where we are at. Why is this so significant? How is this different from the ‘gods’ in other religions?
- Jesus called these first disciples to follow him promising that he would “show them how to fish for people.” What do you think Jesus meant by that?
- How is this kind of life better than a life of ‘just fishing’ or making a buck?
- What does it look like for you to live your life, whatever you do for a living, ‘fishing for people’? Be as specific as possible.
- When we see Jesus for who he really is, we can’t help but be compelled to follow him.
- Why is that you have (or haven’t) chosen to follow Jesus?
- Spend some time in prayer for one another as a group. Pray specifically for the needs represented, as well as for each person to have the courage to drop their proverbial ‘nets’ in order to follow Jesus this week.