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This Week’s SOUL TRAINING: “Media Fast”
(Oct 6-12)

“In a world where people use the Internet an average of 30 hours a week and keep the TV or radio on 7.9 hours a day, we need to get unplugged from virtual reality and address our addiction to technology and the toxins it brings into our lives. Unplug, and look into the eyes of another human face – see the beauty of God’s Creation!” – A​dele Calhoun

We live in a sexually saturated culture. The challenge to address lust this week is to do a 48 hour media fast. This includes:

…The Internet
…Newspapers and magazines
…Radio stations
…Video games
…iPods, mp3 players and stereos

What will you do with your time? How will you entertain yourself? Some suggestions:

…Play a board game
…Read a book
…Go for a walk
…Connect with a friend

It may feel difficult. Remember though, if you are able to fulfill this challenge, it can give you hope that you can also learn to say no to lust.





Each week throughout the “Good and Beautiful Life” message series, we will be inviting you to engage in a different spiritual practice with God. These practices are intended to help you reflect on and to apply the truth from Sunday’s message (i.e. “Soul Training”). To help you remember these practices and to encourage you to be intentional to engage, each week we will post more information about that week’s practice here (in addition to a weekly email reminder). Our hope and prayer is that many in our church family will meet with Jesus in new and profound ways as we engage in these transformative soul training exercises together!

Let us know about your experience with this practice and how God met with you through it. We’d love to be able to tell encouraging stories like yours to our church family throughout this series! Email JeffDan or Kristyn to share your experience.
This sermon series and the spiritual practices that we will be inviting you to participate in are all based on a book called “The Good and Beautiful Life” by James Bryan Smith. You can purchase the book on Amazon here OR you can purchase a copy on Sundays for $20. We have a limited number available, so email Kristyn if you would like to reserve a copy.