These Discussion Questions are coming out of Sunday March 16th’s message “Know the Truth” from our “Deliver Us From Evil” sermon series. They are intended to be used in Home Churches/Small Groups, and/or for personal reflection. Feel free to use as many or as few of these questions as is helpful.
For a summary of “Know the Truth”, check out this blog post.
- Take a few minutes to reflect back on Sunday morning’s message, “Know the Truth.”
- The ‘big idea’ of the message was “The truth is that the truth is all you really need” in spiritual warfare. How do you react to that? What are some things that stood out to you from Sunday’s message in general? How did God speak to you? What questions did the message raise for you?
- In Ephesians 6:13-17, the Apostle Paul listed 6 items of God’s Armour that we are to put on every day, with only one piece being an actual weapon: “The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
- What’s so significant about this? What are some implications for us in the battle?
- What else jumps out at you about the Armour of God in this passage?
- Read John 8:31-32 & 44 together.
- Jesus defined the enemy as a “liar and the father of all lies.” How might this shape our understanding of spiritual warfare and our daily battle with evil?
- Jesus also said that we would know the truth and the truth would set us free. What are some implications of this for us?
- Tim Keller once said, “Satan doesn’t control us with fang marks on the flesh, but with lies in the heart.” How do you react to that? How does this challenge the way that we might typically think of “spiritual warfare” and demonic activity?
- As an example of the enemy’s deceitfulness, read Genesis 3:1-6 when the Serpent tempted Eve.
- Notice what the Serpent actually said to Eve. What is the nature of his lies? What is he really saying to her? How might he be whispering similar things into our ears today?
- What is the connection here between deceit and sin? How might believing the lies of the enemy lead us into sin & disconnection with God?
- Jeff described 3 Kinds of Lies that the enemy tells, coming out of this story:
- 1. Lies about God (“Did God really say that?”)
- 2. Lies about you (“You will be like God.”)
- 3. Lies about Life, and what will truly make you happy (“Knowing both good and evil”)
- What are some examples of lies (from each category) that the enemy might whisper into your ear personally? Where do those lies come from? What might happen as/if you believe these lies and live into them? How might these lies shape you?)
- How can we learn to discern the lies of the enemy when he pop into our minds?
- What might it look like to replace those lies with the truth of God’s word?
- In light of all of this, what is the role of Scripture/Truth in our daily battle with evil? And what role does community play along with Scripture?
- What is your next step in growing in your love for truth and desire to grow in your understanding of Scripture? How can the group support & encourage you?
- “Live No Lies” by John Mark Comer
- “Deliverance” by Jon Thompson
- “The Essential Guide to Spiritual Warfare” by Neil T Anderson
- “The Gospel According to Satan” by Jared C Wilson