If you missed Sunday Oct 30th’s message, click here to listen to it.
Read Mark 6:30-44 together.
- What stood out to you as you read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000? Why?
There’s an important question that this passage raises for us: “What do you do when you don’t know what to do?”
- The disciples found themselves in an ‘impossible’ situation when Jesus told them to feed the crowd. In what ways can you relate to the disciple’s situation? Talk about an ‘impossible situation’ that you find yourself in. What makes it ‘impossible’?
- The disciples focused on the logistics (V35&36) as an excuse to not do what Jesus told them to do and to show that what he was asking them to do was impossible. In what ways do we do the same thing with our problems?
- Jeff talked about how Jesus sees our problems – That “Jesus doesn’t see limits, he sees divine possibilities.” What does this mean to you? How have you experienced this in your own life?
- The disciples were motivated by their own selfish desires (V30-33) while Jesus was motivated by compassion for the crowd (V34). How does our selfishness (i.e. “I don’t feel like it”) keep us from serving other people the way God asks us to serve people? (get practical: in your marriage, parenting and within the church) Why is it important that we love and serve others even (or especially) when we don’t feel like it?
- How can we become more like Jesus was in this story? (motivated by compassion, by flexible and willing to serve whoever was in front of him in any given moment).
- In the end, Jesus used the little that the disciples had to feed the entire crowd (probably somewhere around 20,000 people). What does this reveal to us about the way God can use us?
- In what ways do you personally feel limited and like you “don’t have what it takes”? What might Jesus be asking you to do about that?
- Jeff concluded by saying, “What do you do when you don’t know what to do? You stop worrying about what you DON’T have, and just give Jesus what you DO have!” In what ways is God calling you to do this right now?