If you missed this Sunday Feb 12th’s message, give it a listen here.
- Spend some time debriefing the Sunday morning service. How did God speak to you?
- Jeff spent some talk talking through the first four of The Gathering’s Eight Core Values: The Bible, 24/7 Worship, Prayer, and People. Which of these four values most resonated with you? Why?
- THE BIBLE – Jeff shared two reasons why The Gathering values the Bible and views it as central to our faith: 1. Because it is the primary way we can get to know Jesus (see John 5:39), 2. Because it is the primary we we can learn how to follow Jesus (see 2 Timothy 3:16).
- In what ways does the Bible help us get to know Jesus better?
- In what ways does the Bible teach us how to follow Jesus better?
- Has it helped YOU in these ways? How?
- 24/7 WORSHIP – Read Romans 12:1 together. What is the kind of worship that God accepts? What does it mean to be a ‘living sacrifice’? What are some examples of worshipping God as living sacrifices?
- What should the role of worshipping God through song on Sundays be? How does this form of worship help us to live our lives as ‘living sacrifices’?
- How does viewing our entire lives as worship to God change the way we view our Sunday AM worship?
- PRAYER – Read Ephesians 6:10-19 together.
- Why is it important to understand the reality that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle? How does it change the way we see people that we may be in conflict with?
- What is the role of prayer in the spiritual battle of life? Why is it important in the church?
- PEOPLE – read 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 & 13 together.
- What makes ‘love’ the greatest? Why does love – over spirituality, theology, generosity – matter the most?
- Why is it that “The Church” (in general) is not always know for it’s love?
- What does it look like to love people that we disagree with?
- Spend some time in prayer for one another and for our church!