Happy New Year!
If you missed this message, you can listen here.
- Take some time to discuss Sunday’s service. How did God speak to you?
- Are you a ‘worrier’ when it comes to your finances? What does ‘worry’ look like for you?
- Read Matthew 6:25-34 together. What ideas, words, or phrases stand out to you most from Jesus’ teaching on worry and money in this passage?
- How does worrying about finances lead to a lack of generosity in life?
- Why does Jesus command us to not worry about what we will eat, drink or wear? What makes it possible for us to not worry about tomorrow?
- In verse 33, Jesus told us that if we seek the Kingdom of God first, God will provide our every need. What is the Kingdom of God? What does it look like to seek the Kingdom first? Is it fair to expect God to provide when we aren’t seeking the Kingdom first?
- Have you experienced God miraculously provide for your needs before? How?
- Jeff provided three reflection questions in his message. Spend some time discussing as a group:
- Is the Kingdom of God my top priority in life? Would my bank statement reflect that or not?
- Am I living out of a place of fear & worry (about money), or trust knowing that God will provide my every need?
- Does the thought of sacrificial generosity make me anxious or excited? Why?
- Kingdom Fund Challenge: What do you think about this challenge (saving XX amount of dollars a month in order to use to bless someone with when God prompts you to)? Are you planning on taking this challenge?