Hey Church Family,
With the mid-year point quickly approaching, I thought I would provide you with a brief financial update.
Here’s a look at what our congregation has given so far this year (through to June 22, 2016):
Budgeted/Expected Income, YTD through June 22 2016: $132,383 (100%)
Tithes/Offerings Recieved, YTD through June 22 2016: $128,750 (97.26%)
Income/Deficit, YTD through June 22 2016: -$3,633 (2.74%)
The bottom line is this: God is faithful! After a slow start to the year financially, God is providing and He’s providing through YOUR generosity and financial faithfulness to Christ. So to those of you who have been faithful to follow Jesus with your finances – THANK YOU! I can’t wait to see what God does in and through us throughout the rest of the year as we remain committed to being “Deeply Rooted” in Christ.
“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:19
Happy Summer everyone,
Jeff Jantzi
Lead Pastor
PS. Just a friendly reminder to those of us who will be away for much of the summer and usually give on Sunday mornings (instead of direct withdrawal) – we accept post-dated cheques!