Sr. High Pool Party

Steve & Cathie's Place 1481 Jarvis Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Senior Highs - come one, come all to our Pool Party on July 18th @ 6pm!  Bring a friend, your suit, and an appetite as we have a barbecue, hang...

Ice Blocking

Arboretum (Experimental Farm) Civic Hospital - Experimental Farm - Central Park, Ottawa, ON, Canada

A fun evening summer youth event!


Youth Christmas Party

The Gathering Office 111 Colonnade Rd. Suite 207, Ottawa, Canada

Join us at 111 Colonnade Rd. on December 16th for a rip-roaring time. We'll be playing games, eating food, and listening to Christmas Music. Bring an ugly sweater and a...

Senior Youth Progressive Dinner

The Sr. Youth will be trekking around the neighbourhood, devouring courses as they go on December 18th from 6-9pm. Email Annika if you're interested!

Lumberjack Breakfast

Join us for an hearty breakfast, dressed in your best plaid! Bring some fruit or meat to share. Pancakes and syrup await! Meet us at 668 Whitecliffs at 10am-12pm.